Comment history

Sherrill says...

Thank you, Dr. Kemp, for this sensitive, compassionate and inspirational article. I think it will bring comfort and hope to many who have gone through the tragedy of losing a child during or after a pregnancy.

On KDK Report: Twinkle, twinkle little star

Posted 26 October 2021, 12:32 a.m. Suggest removal

Sherrill says...

Why is the "New Day" Gov't allowing or still allowing cruise ships to anchor off of Egg island where the reefs there are particularly important and were included in the list of newly-Gezzeted Marine Protected areas? It's shocking to see cruise ships anchored there and especially after locals were very vocal in their opposition to Egg Island becoming another private cruise port. So much for the PLP's caring about the Bahamas environment. For me to have any belief in them they are going to have to make some serious changes and stop worrying about whom they're going to offend to get campaign money and votes. They must also end the cruel and inhumane surrey trade. That is a complete disgrace!

Sherrill says...

😂😂😂😂😂😂 Sure seems so, thus far.

Sherrill says...

Hypocrisy's rule; ignore what you said campaigning: Hypocracy's reign; Do what you want when in power! Please keep reminding this "new" Government that they are going to be held accountable and keep up with your one to one comparisons of what they said and what they are doing. How about the cruise ships at Egg Island!!?? The reefs around that island are particularly important, and were included in the list of newly-gazetted Marine Protected Areas. It's shocking to see cruise ships anchored there especially after locals were very vocal in their opposition to Egg Island becoming another private cruise port. The PLP could show that they are serious about protecting our environment and the threat to us by global warming by addressing this problem and also the mess that Disney is going to make of Lighthouse Point. It's not too late to just say NO to these projects. Don't get me started on cruise ships but at least keep them in ports, not tearing up our fragile end deteriorating reefs.

Sherrill says...

Excellent article Ms. Wallace. Thank you!
I do know that the British High Commissioner to the Bahamas will be attending COP26 but I don’t know which government officials will be. Hopefully one of them will be Dr. Rochelle Newbold will be attending who has a comprehensive understanding of the crisis facing us as a small island nation.

I hope you will write an article on the rampant mass destruction of our native forests and wetland areas (Carmichael Road and Adelaide especially )being clear cut, bulldozed to the bare rock and/or filled in for housing projects. There must be a balance for providing housing without destroying our environmentally important natural areas. I also think we need to consider urban renewal prospects & projects as high priorities; fixing up older areas to make them habitable again rather than sprawling all over the island destroying what we have left of our bio diversity. I look forward to such an article.

Sherrill says...

I don’t know from where you’re getting your information but it is totally inaccurate. There is plenty of science & data that will expose, refute & explain your positions as false flags. You are absorbing the lies promoted by Big Fossil Fuel & their cronies/advocates who are trying to hoodwink the Bahamian population.

Sherrill says...

BANNED oil drilling. Auto mic got me.😩

Sherrill says...

💯true. The people who own and control gas & oil here, have no interest in saving our islands. Immediate profits is their only end game & until ALL candidates stop taking campaign money from them, this will continue & we will never get rid of the immediate pollution caused by BPL or its contribution to global warming. It’s quite simply, legalized corruption.
Re oil drilling: First of all anyone who owns shares in oil exploration or drilling companies, or is on the board of, or represents them legally should be involved in government in any capacity. Tourism is our major source of revenue but one spill, one leak, one rupture & tourism goes away in a flash. ALL drilling rigs, pipe lines & transfer points spill & leak. It’s a constant & often times a disastrous one. The threat of oil extraction to our fisheries & tourism is far too great to even begin to entertain the idea of drilling for this filthy, polluting substance in our fair islands & waters. We must stand proud as a nation who has band oil drilling!

Sherrill says...

Right on Porcupine!

On Go home, BPC, you’re not wanted

Posted 2 December 2020, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Sherrill says...

I couldn't agree more. Testing is paramount in holding down the spread. This is totally reckless.