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ShirleyGeorgann says...

If the government left the same provesions in the constitution that now exist for children born from 1993 ( these would be eligible presently) not back to 73 because persons only have from age 18 to 19 to register, then we would have only a small amount to deal with. Then change the law going forward as suggested. I cant see a hugh burden on the government with this. Also the department of statistics must know how many children applied from 73 to 93, so use that number to get an average on who's eligible now, born from 1993 to time new bill is passed.

On Caution advised over making Bills retroactive

Posted 12 August 2014, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

ShirleyGeorgann says...

The onlh reason they return to Bimini is the boat they stay on brings them and they gamble and then they leave not much contact with Bahamians.

ShirleyGeorgann says...

Mr. Munroe is another Leslie Miller no respect for women. You must be male, Cause a sister would want us to have equal rights as men do. Men can bring their foreign wives here and get citizenship but if my daughter married a foreign man she would have to leave me and go to another country. SAD how our Bahamian sisters want us to stay in the 1800's. Our women ancestors fought hard for women's rights.

ShirleyGeorgann says...

Its so sad that the politicans wont put their thoughts simply on ensuring that women get equal rights, no they rather pander on their political agenda.I dont see a viable alternative to a sound Government going forward. I fear if we dont wake up it will be 5 more years of The PLP. God save us from this nightmare.