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SidneyStrachan says...

Wow, we truly have some passionate Bahamians out there and that is a great thing. Now I must admit that I have known Mr. Sands for many years but this is one time I have to disagree with his statement. While we all agree that there are indeed some Bahamians out there who may not know how to act, I agree with the pro-rights comments above because why would anybody agitate to ban them self from a business. I have personally been a victim of discrimination over my years as a young lad right here in the Bahamas because there was a time when I could not as a black man walk downtown or visit the Savoy Theatre. That is a time that many of you young persons may not know about but believe me, it was and still is not a good feeling. Also, I have read some of the anti-rights arguments above and I dont know who you are John Brown or Sands Marco but you are both spot on, especially due to the fact that some of the anti-rights comments are the same used by the oppressors back in the 1950's 1960's Bahamas. The oppressors also said to keep the black Bahamians from downtown around the white tourists because they dont know how to act, I personally heard it said over and over. Segragation was not only custom during those times but also law. My mother on numerous occasions had to walk through the back door of many establishments with me just because we were black. Again, to say that once you are a Bahamian, you should be auto-matically disqualified from playing in a casino because you are un-disciplined is dis-heartening especially coming from a Black Bahamian so my brother, Sandy, I have agreed with a lot of statements from you over the years but I have to disagree with you 100% on this one.

I have no intentions personally on gambling in the casino but who knows, if a relative or friend of mine from abroad were to visit the Bahamas and ask me to join them in a few games in the casino, it truly is silly that I have to tell them that I cant go because I am a Bahamian, I have never been to jail, I work, pay my taxes but because I am Bahamian, I cant play in the casino with them.

This is how we Black Bahamians were treated before Majority Rule Day and its unfortunate to hear some of you that may not have experienced it first hand promote what you know nothing about personally.

Anyway, I hope some of you anti-rights proponents reconsider your thoughts.

Sidney Strachan Esq