Comment history

SipPis says...

Do they not realize they're making Atlantis' point for them with this trailer stunt? Why would any sensible country have cheap burger joints in their most upscale area? Anywhere else in the developed world you wouldn't see this nonsense.

SipPis says...

Wendy's on PI. Why not? Perhaps a homeless shelter on the beach while we're at it.

SipPis says...

I'm sure they'd be thrilled to let people who think like you do decide what a 'fair share' is, even as they're vilified and the government hides its accounting. Not a good look for this country.

SipPis says...

Reckless to speak this way.

SipPis says... evidence for the number but an out of depth realtor also thinks so. Good story Tribune.

SipPis says...

On the contrary, we absolutely SHOULD be a nation for sale. That's the only hope I see for my children and their children here. This cheap nationalism is used by local business and politicians to safeguard their interests. We are a stone's throw away from a country awash in money but we continue to make it far too onerous for that money to make its way here and lift the tide. The BIA should be done away with altogether. Revenue would increase dramatically overnight.

On ‘We can’t become a nation for sale’

Posted 27 September 2021, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

SipPis says...

It would be an interesting experiment to see just how quickly the country dies as soon as a personal income tax is introduced. I will have my stop watch ready.

On Tax increases ‘have to come’

Posted 31 May 2021, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

SipPis says...

I read this twice and still don't understand this man's point. Maybe he should become a politician.

On Govt told - be tough on taxes

Posted 14 May 2021, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

SipPis says...

Where has anyone's constitutional rights been violated by even an inch?

What does the ownership of Baha Mar have to do with anything? Would the hotel manager not want to have vaccinated tourists arriving here if the Hotel were owned by a Swede or an American?

SipPis says...

This is a smart and bold move. We can see from the comments here that battling local conspiracy and grievance thinking may be the biggest problem ahead. Covid will effectively be over in the US by June. Most of are our tourists are coming from the US. The risk of carrying or spreading covid after a moderna or pfizer vaccination is estimated to be at less than 10% anyway, notwithstanding that they'll be coming from a place with herd immunity already. Smart to let the US tourists return hassle free and bolster our economy with relatively little risk. Next step needs to be an education campaign to counter all the ignorance about Bill Gates, communist China, the poison or chips in the vaccines, and the 'just the flu' nonsense. Social media has allowed unmitigated ignorance to spread faster than any virus.