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Slavemaster says...

I concur just leave sir we your children of the Bahamas won't mist you as a matter fact we'll help u pack

Slavemaster says...

I think we should wake up as a nation n remove away from fnm n plp n begin to understand where we came from where we are now n where we are about to go. We can clearly see that Hubert is power drunk and acting insane. Yet his cronies slam and beat on the table so their lord and savior dont get up set with them. We are living in a time and time where it's so clear that hes ruling with a iron fist to instill fear in it's people. You listen to the COP speaks hes clearly rouge and gangsta and put us right back when people is now again saying f**k the police. Hubert minis I urge u to step out peacefully n quietly you will forever go down as the worst prime minister the country has ever saw or even the Caribbean. You have made us the laughing stock of the world and maybe in heaven to. Your own table slammers will turn on you soon. You like Perry Christie will cause your whole party to get sweep and there are some good men in there. But you huberty just cost them their salary