Comment history

Socrates says...

Isn’t it ironic that a country that boasts about being a leader in offshore banking can’t provide adequate facilities for its own citizens and residents?

Socrates says...

See why you need the Freedom of information act? In our “democracy”, you only know what they tell you but you can’t independently verify anything.

On Disclosure chair would not say who filed

Posted 12 April 2024, 5:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

now we know why all the trips to Africa.. getting pointers on how to run your country the Africa way... it will get you votes, but nothimg more.

Socrates says...

Successive socialist administrations decided all Bahamians will have electricity and those who live where it makes economic sense will have to pay to sustain it in the majority of places where it cannot be justified. Given that policy, inevitably the rates will always be inflated OR taxes will have to be imposed and money handed to BPL as a subsidy.. bottom line, you pay either way.

On Minister signals review of BPL tariffs

Posted 29 March 2024, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

there is a disconnect here somewhere.. more visitirs than ever, more spend which they usually say means more jobs but things are worse than ever for the average bahamian?

Socrates says...

Privatization and sale of shares in a monopoly is the way to go. it brings equality to the labour/company relationship.. as it is now, government is liable to ransom and we see it every contract renewal but privatization forces acknowledgement of reality.. however, since govt has messed BPL up, unless they are a minority shareholder in any kind of partnership, we'll eventually find ourselves in this same state again.

Socrates says...

one of the first things people give up when they feel threatened are their rights.. this is a good example of how that may happen.

Socrates says...

Freeport has been on the skids for decades.. this socialist move to nationalize the Port will be the death blow.. govt never like the idea that a city existed outside nassau.. but check Eight Mile Rock or west end if you want to see the future. i wonder how a broke givernment with junk rstung will pull this off?

Socrates says...

more discrimination.. these socialists.. what about disenfranchising of those who will have to pay new rates but no such consideration for them.. i bet everyone will reap same benefit.

Socrates says...

glad PM forced him out. Petty is a model of the kind of politician we don't need in this country anymore. need to add the 2 defendants to that list now.