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Socrates says...

they say this every time they want to blow more public money on this financial wasteland called Bahamasair. every time a plane comes, we here the usual dribble and nothing changes. all we are going to get for sure, is more gov't debt supporting this hopeless enterprise.

Socrates says...

why is disclosing public, but if you don't, its kept private?

On Now name and shame non-disclosure MPs

Posted 20 August 2018, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

all governments the same. Board members know they are appointed as a reward for support, nothing more or less. politicians have no intention of giving decision-making authority to anyone, after all, thats why they became politicians to begin with. Remember Phil Bethel at Bahamasair commission of Inquiry? he shamelessly stated that he and Frank Bartlett, who was PS at the time, ran the company from his office at Min of Transport in Post Office building. so this is all sadly, nothing new. and it goes a long way to explain that the more things change, the more they remain the same.

On Osborne bites back at BPL dismissal

Posted 20 August 2018, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

we talk 'democracy', 'transparency' and other nice sounding words, but practice is something else. apparently we have many secret and black ops type operations including BPL. every time some controversy arises, e.g.monuments and antiquities commission, now BPL, etc., we get the same answer from the politicians, no comment.

On BPL appoints new board of directors

Posted 18 August 2018, 8:06 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

amy benefit will be short-term and the long term impact will be lingering debt. A widely held principle has always been that the interest of the majority prevails. obviously in this case, the majority will be saddled with increased debt so a very small minority have a few low-paying jobs.

Socrates says...

only solution here is give them what they want then raise VAT another 3% to pay for it. And if they are not already, declare them essential service so they can't walk more than 24hrs.. As i recall Bahamasair used to be or still is a essential service according to them, no matter how ridiculous that sounds, so why not nurses?

Socrates says...

because the audit findings have not been disclosed, we don't know yet if it was wasted money. we DO know that as far back as the dope commission of inquiry and Batelco and Bahamasair and now these, nothing useful has come from any of them despite the millions spent.

On Forensic audit on finance ‘complete’

Posted 11 August 2018, 9:22 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

it might have been better if we remained a colony? we'll never know of course, but reality remains that the reliability of power supply is not better than other rubbish, 3rd world countries, despite the outrageous cost.

On Lights out as island hit by power outages

Posted 11 August 2018, 7:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

i agree with Butler, this might not be the best way. so one day sonebody going to check and see how much i drive my car to see if i'm running an illegal taxi service there too? there has to be a better, and just as, or more effective way, to fight this ting.

On Aviation chief warnson govt 'overreach'

Posted 2 August 2018, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

dont just be concerned about where the purchase money will come from, the fact that nobody wants to touch this with a 40 foot pole is because after you buy it, you will lose your ass operating it. so, if gov't buys, look for the national debt to continue to spiral hopelessly out of control..