Comment history

Socrates says...

the Bahamas ... ridiculously high cost of living and low quality of life for majority.. somethings wrong there somewhere.

Socrates says...

i dont see rate increases as a solution.. need to get spending under control. any money given to govt goes into the slush fund a.k.a consolidated fund for pet projects, funding of loss maling adventures eg. bahamasair and for handouts to cronies.

On Bahamians must pay for benefits they want

Posted 15 April 2022, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

all so true.. we've become a nation of slothful, indifferent and lackadaisical people.

Socrates says...

people help me understand.. if your margin is fixed, why do you 'hurt' because the price went uo? is it because customers may buy less? no sarcasm, i'm serious.

Socrates says...

One question.. whats the point?

On ‘A republic? That’s up to Bahamians’

Posted 3 April 2022, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

Just looking for an excuse for a handout..

Socrates says...

Fuel hedging can be a godsend if you get the right price. Given where prices are now, if you didn’t already have a set price, it’s too late. The Idiotic comment suggesting it helps big hotels and the rich is unbelievable. Low electricity costs benefit the entire community. Everyone knows costs in this country are out of control with LA prices for Port au Prince quality and services.

On Fears of $205m hit in BPL fuel hedge woe

Posted 6 March 2022, 9:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

The roundabout as a traffic control feature is a failure in the Bahamas because most drivers don’t understand how to use them. I can’t say how many cars I have seen T-boned because the driver in the left lane turned right on the roundabout. People, the left lane goes left or straight and the right lane straight or right. Another reason it fails is because only the entry with little traffic approaching from its right moves. If you have heavy traffic from the right (like Gladstone joining JFK), it’s very hard to enter roundabout. Traffic lights properly timed for the traffic volume is the only way for ALL sides to get equal access.

Socrates says...

Isn't it ironic that the very people who have the power to unmask the gutless use of sick leave as a poorly disguised mafioso extortion tactic, complain about it instead of doing something about it. All these decades of socialist labour handouts have us where we are. Thank the colonialists for that.

Socrates says...

Given the current debt level and budget deficit, i doubt meeting makes any difference. In fact the strategy of former Minister of Finance Turnquest to address the debt level as i recall was to stop having lunch when the House meets.. so there you have it.