Comment history

Space says...

“Not blaming women… “ and then go on to blaming women. You miss the part where it said “particularly the elderly and children”? Or you think grandmas out on Saunders beach twerking with her granddaughter after church?

On Bahamas unsafe for women

Posted 1 August 2023, 3:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Space says...

Finally a plan for Grand Bahama and Freeport. Government take heed!

On A thriving Grand Bahama

Posted 4 May 2023, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Space says...

… what? Do you think you did something there by flouting your ignorance of the law?

Space says...

This Rodney guy is such a [redacted]

Space says...

Really telling on yourself with your previous victim blaming and mysoginistic comments "pro_test"

"The murder of Heavenly Terveus. Know the man crazy and stayed in a sexual relationship with him."

"All these Gang Members getting kill and we are not calling it menicide. Why because we hold men accountable. One cheating, one knew the man crazy and one kill herself. I guess they just didn't know any better because they are females"

Space says...

Did you delete your comment because you were shame or did The Tribune delete it because you were promoting the sexual abuse of children?
You're disgusting. Whether the age of consent and its operation is sufficient or not is a whole different issue. A grown ass man who is attracted to a 14 OR a 16 year old for that matter is a problem.

These rape apologists bold today.

Space says...

She was a CHILD. What about that can people not get into their thick skulls? He may not have held her down but having sex with a CHILD is a crime for a reason. People are truly disgusting. May no child you are related to ever have to encounter such things.

Space says...

Honestly I just want to know how people are getting Hulu in the Bahamas

Space says...

It’s hilarious that anyone thinks the government would ever allow that to happen