Comment history

Stanley says...

I congratulate the FNM (again, after 1992) but I would like to remind Bahamians not to go all Trumpkin over this win. A government represents ALL the people, and not just one party.

Stanley says...

Only people who have actually lived in the out islands extensively or currently live there and understand the logistical problems and nightmares with such events and adventures should be allowed to organize these kinds of events. You never see large village held parties and events go this horribly bad, Even when the weather is terrible they always are carried out smoothly and everyone leaves satisfied and happy. This was an easily predictable outcome given the promotion involved. The promotion itself was a red flag that this would not end well.

On Fyre Festival chaos in Exuma

Posted 28 April 2017, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Stanley says...

Backwards Bahamas busting tourists for a little weed.

Grow up, Bahamas, you are looking pretty foolish on the world stage. Tourists notice.

Stanley says...

It's especially important that law enforcement destroy young adult lives and harassing tourists by aggressively enforcing petty marijuana drug violations.

Stanley says...

The American government and the DEA are running your idiotic drug war and your demonization of marijuana, you know that, right? And your churches are heavily involved. The chances of you Bahamians coming to your senses any time soon is exactly zero.

Stanley says...

The United States government really must be worried about those US tourists smoking a liitle weed and having a good time in the Bahamas. Prepare to lose your tourist business to Cuba. It's entirely possible that a stoned tourist might want to steer the cruise ship into the reef.

On US gives boats to help drug fight

Posted 24 February 2016, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Stanley says...

You idiots are going to lose your tourist business to Cuba and it will be your own damn fault.

Christians. Sure. I see a bunch of paranoid stuck up authoritarians living in the past.

Stanley says...

Growing weed isn't 'desperate'. It will soon be 'legal; in Canada.

Backwards as ever.

Stanley says...

How ignorant are you people about sea level rise. What I see is an entire national population and their leaders entirely in denial that your country will be mostly under water within another generation. No amount of marine reserves is going to change your fate.

Stanley says...

The majority of American citizens are not with you on this, Pastor, and I personally consider it very Un Jesus like that your government considers a wild medicinal plant to be a dangerous drug and ruins good lives in the pursuit of folly. un jesus like. That's you, Pastor. Just as soon as the Bahamas wants to join the 21st century the rest of the rational world will accept you with open arms. Until then, do enjoy your catastrophic sea level rise. And admit it, the US is the one driving your drug war, not the Bahamian citizens.