Comment history

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

Totally agree with the Author... what he failed to do however was call out the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of National Security and the OPM who also dropped the ball on this

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

Thats because they lifted it directly from social media... and did not bother to do any investigation

On Slain - nine days after being a dad

Posted 12 February 2019, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

The Tribune did not get it wrong... yall simply lack comprehension. Here, I'll try: The herion was only valued at 90,000, but the gentleman was lured into carrying it because he expected to get $3.5Million when he landed in Nassau. I doubt he knew the real value of the drugs

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

So nothing of the correlation between beating kids and violence?

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

I wonder what Passion of the Christ will be rated next month?

On Anger over Black Panther’s rating

Posted 19 February 2018, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

this is indicative of the environmental and general slackness of this country... the official notes that this has been going on for years and nature has a way of bouncing back, but have any studies been conducted any scientific data to back up that claim? or is it just a feeling?

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

[Voting Yes To All Four][1]


Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

One thing you cannot deny is that the Government can't run a jack. That the government could run something as complex as universal health care is delusional

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

Excellent Article! But will we listen?

It seems that we don't put much stock in research and empiricle evidence in this country. Instead, people anecdotal wisdom, like "it didn't kill me" or "look at me, I turned out ok", never thinking that they are exceptions.

We need to teach parenting skills in primary and high schools, in addition to proper sex education and family planning.

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

I am surprise it took this long for Bahamians to start tearing this man down. Yall did good, I expected this much sooner.

Nevertheless the level of pettiness and negativity is disappointing.

On another note, I spoke to a member of BFM about the several million in debt, they informed me that Dr. Myles was very open about the churches finances and even had public accounting once a year during services. The financial position was explained to the congregation by accountants and the word was they were close to paying off the debt.