Comment history

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

Why not invest in a Drone Program?

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

Some Questions:

- Was the "Wulf Rd English" comment addressed?
- Was the reason why only white non Bahamian teachers are employed address?
- Did the principal actually tell the parent, "if you don't like how this school is run you can leave"?
- And finally, How has the incident been addressed?

I maintain that the problem was the way the incident was handled. I couldnt care less about your "history" and "sacrifices" if you failed to responsd appropriately to such an incident, then you tacitly condone it.

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

That is what I would've expected from any school.

The reaction of that the parents got suggests that racism is ok and tolerated at that instituition. .

Unaceptable in 2014 in The Bahamas and anywhere else in the world..
The owners/administration should issue an appology to the parents immediately and clarify for the public their policies on this issue..

(And no I don't care one iota that its an exclusive private school that I've never heard of...).

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

I think the problem is the principals lack of action when the issue was raised.

Perhaps there was no policy because there has never been an issue.

But once an issue was raised, your response should not be, "take your kids to a different school" That is unacceptable.

And while 5 year old guy doesn't really know what he's saying, he's obviously being exposed to a certain mindset. One that should not be accepted anywhere.

The proper thing to do was to call in the parents of the offender, like you suggested, and ask them to explain to their child that that kind of language is mean and not accepted because it hurts other kids.

Tthey should've then told the parents of the offender, if the incidents continue they would have to move their child.

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

The article states "a growing body of evidence" and quotes scientific research. I don't think you can dismiss that as a "liberal finding something bad to say".

This is just another quick fix that sounds good, but won't actually work.

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

This is awesome!

On Bahamas Bowl to hit new stadium

Posted 7 May 2014, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

> Shane Gibson, as Minister of Housing
> responsible for (National Insurance
> Board) NIB and BMC, without Cabinet or
> Ministry of Finance approval,
> instructed the NIB board to make a
> loan of $7 million to the BMC to cover
> additional construction costs for the
> new BMC office building.

This seems to be getting overlooked. It is a clear conflict of interest and should NEVER happen. Never. And anyone with integrity would not act in this manner.

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

So If these poachers are firing on Defense force officers, what are they being charged with? Attempted Murder? Certainly it should be much more than a poaching charge at this point? Do you think they secured the shot gun and shells for finger prints?

On Gray ‘seeks tough poaching penalties’

Posted 11 February 2014, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

> “It should be that when someone leaves an area, that is a hot area by the police standards and definition, they are picked up immediately and they are searched and there is some impositions on some freedoms...."

Wow... Am I the only one that finds this statement disturbing?

On Christie: We have the answer to crime

Posted 19 December 2013, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Straight_Talk_Bahamas says...

So the obvious question is how will the development in Bimini affect the natural breeding ground of these sharks. Was an Environmental impact study done and did it take this research into account?