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Supervillian says...

What needs to happen is this present government and governments prior, need to get their heads out the hole they sit on and move forward with the everchanfing time. I'm sure all of you watched the debate between Barak Obama when he said that the United States Army maybe be less in numbers these days but they also have less horses and bayonets. Come on people, I don't consider myself a genius, but why is it that none of our armed forces are equipt with a helicopter for patrolling purposes. For one, Helicopters can fly at an alarming rate and can cover further distances far more faster than any boat out there. Two, they are cost effective with lower maintenance and can accomidate multi-role platforms. This can include search and rescue, air ambulance, prevent drug intrudiction efforts, and border patrol for imigration purposes. Thirdly their cost is far less and will benefit this vast archipelago way better than these proposed dingys they plan on spending over 200m for. There is a company in Texas called American Eurocopter than can facilitate all the needs that these Bahamian islands need. What I see is the puchase of two search and rescue helicopters. One located on New Providence and the other based in Inagua. This way, while patrolling, they can radio the slower Defense Force boats where to intercepet these vessels. One also needs to be purchased for the police force to combat the criminal elements on the island of New Providence. Come to think of it, why don't they purchase one for the damn hospital as well. Why build a multi-million dollar facility and not have a heli-pad for emergency purposes. Come on people, we smarter than this. I guarantee you for all these helicopters I mentioned, it won't even run the taxpayers into 150m, and that includes pilot and maintenance crew training.

On Call for technology to protect our borders

Posted 2 April 2014, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal