Comment history

SurDavid says...

Excellent...well done Bahamas!


Posted 3 August 2014, 9:07 a.m. Suggest removal

SurDavid says...

Any way you want to look at it...the Bahamas lacks discipline. Remember, everything always goes to the lowest common denominator. So if you think things are bad now just wait a few years and see how low you can really go. The eyes of the nation should be clearly focused on pride of ownership. No more shrinking away from responsibility can be tolerated. Everyone must participate in this reawakening or the nation is doomed. It starts with YOU.

On Our country is crumbling

Posted 12 January 2014, 12:22 a.m. Suggest removal

SurDavid says...

A VAT tax rate of 15% is legalized theft. It should be pegged at 5% and cannot be changed except by referendum. Even then, there will be attempts by some to steal the referendum vote in support of their irresponsible tax and spent liberal agenda.

On 2013 in review: VAT DEBATE

Posted 7 January 2014, 11:38 p.m. Suggest removal

SurDavid says...

The good people of the Bahamas are losing control of their country to mindless anarchy. Your governments are only interested in lining their own pockets. Vote them out. You need to start from scratch in the education system to teach all the children what it takes to be a good productive citizen,..that violent behaviour will not be tolerated.

...anyway, that's my two cents worth, from a Snowbird who loves the Bahamas and the Bahamian people.

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 28 December 2013, 12:19 a.m. Suggest removal

SurDavid says...

Makes one wonder if the Chinese paid off the government.

On Visa-free travel deal with China 'tremendous'

Posted 22 December 2013, 12:08 a.m. Suggest removal

SurDavid says...


On Civil liberty fear over random check

Posted 15 December 2013, 1:14 a.m. Suggest removal

SurDavid says...

BEC = Corruption

On BEC bonuses will be paid

Posted 15 December 2013, 1:09 a.m. Suggest removal

SurDavid says...

15% VAT...the rich get richer...the poor get poorer.

On Almost 60% of VAT's 48 fines 'very serious'

Posted 15 December 2013, 1:05 a.m. Suggest removal

SurDavid says...

A VAT of 15% is a regressive tax. The lower class and the poor will pay a disproportionately higher amount in tax because they have a lower overall income.

A much more fairer tax system would be to implement a straight 10% Flat Tax. That way everyone pays the same amount relative to their yearly income.'re welcome.

SurDavid says...

Mandala was a violent revolutionary and a senior member of the South African Communist Party. Communists don't believe in GOD. He wrote the British PM to demand the release of the Lockerbie bomber. He called Fidel Castro and Gaddafi 'comrade'. He praised the Chinese communist system of government as a model to follow...etc...etc...etc.. To get out of jail all he had to do was to renounce terrorism which he never did. The system now in place in South Africa is worse than the one it replaced...whaaaat!

This is the man that the good, Christian people of the Bahamas want their government to lionize?

I think not.

On Bahamian memories of bid to free Mandela

Posted 9 December 2013, 11:52 p.m. Suggest removal