Comment history

TJay says...

Um its already been played out a Police Prosecutor like really haha Greenslade your not serious

On Police officer charged

Posted 11 April 2013, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

TJay says...

Excuse yall supporting Leslie Miller, but can yall support him to pay the country the monies owed to us from his light bill. Don't be foolish the said person who was fired was fired because she was considered to be an FNM supporter no other reason. So yall talking bout yea fire all 600 tell him try and I support the union in shutting down this country, we have gone on for 10 months with this renegade Government doing as they please and telling us shut up we will tell you what we want you to know. SMT get real

On Reader's views on the BEC standoff

Posted 4 April 2013, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TJay says...

Tal you seem to think everything is Hubert fault but I have yet to hear you say ONCE that anything done to better this country is also apart of his legacy. You need to search the Tribune and have a read of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Bahamas and C &W it would show you that the sale was the best deal for Bahamians because once the networks become open Bahamians can now do phone services why? because Cable and Wireless would of laid all the ground work which would cost a Bahamian company millions of dollars. You know what gets me the most PLP supporters love to talk bout what they are going to fix but yet you used the same old heads you had robbed our country before. Please stop with your crazy political talk and get FACTS and know that should the Government push this issue further this would RUIN this country!

On TJay

Posted 24 August 2012, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

TJay says...

Papa has already said goodbye to the people of Abaco and he said goodbye to the country yesterday. He doesn't care to go into the house, however he was not a Mrs. Pratt or Mr. Russell he is the Former PM not just a regular MP and he ought to of had the right to speak to the country. Put all this political foolery aside and respect the man he may not of been perfect but the same could be said for Pindling but yet every chance the PLP get they want something else named after him or something else done in his honor. Hubert was and still is a great leader and should be honored for doing this country a great deal of good.

On ‘Disgrace’ over Ingraham farewell

Posted 20 July 2012, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

TJay says...

Tal I really don't think you read and understand what he said, He could of knighted 3 more Bahamians before elections but he didn't he left them for the current PM. I don't know if we read the same article because NO names were mentioned, you seem to be so intrigued by the former PM that you will use any reason to try and discredit him. The Man was Simply the Best and not to mention one of the most highly respected leaders to come out of this country and region!

TJay says...

I find it strange that now after winning they are still about what the former Government did you won now fix it since nothing the FNM did made any sense and everything was a shaddy under the table deal.

On TJay

Posted 27 June 2012, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal