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TT242 says...

Spout your perceived version of history and views all you want, people its 2022.
You dont drop bombs on civilians, women & children and then go on TV to say its 'legitimate military targets' or 'fake news' regardless of what nation you happen to be the leader.
Wake up, stop reposting propaganda, how hard is it to take a stand against people being murdered wherever they live in the world. Jeez, its not that complicated.

On Twisted Ukraine narrative

Posted 16 March 2022, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TT242 says...

“Last week, we demolished 23 structures in the farm,” Mr Bannister told reporters yesterday. “The week before that, we did 20 and this week we marked 22 for demolition and we’re going to keep consistently demolishing them until all are gone and we’re going to continue to move on to other areas"

And where will those people go, what are their options?
Government should be providing the policy framework and infrastructure for people to provide for themselves, give them the land and enforce the building code, its Abaco not Nassau, its needs all the economic development it can get.

Bulldozing homes without any alternative for these people is just lunacy, more will be on the street to protest with placards and more of the Intl community will look upon the Bahamas as a failing country. Sad but true.

On 23 more homes to be demolished

Posted 2 June 2021, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

TT242 says...

Every country has to deal with Illegal immigration brought about by persecuted people leaving trying to find a better life for themselves and their family. Yes of course they should go through the appropriate legal channels to move to the Bahamas or the US, but reality is not all will, deal with it.
The country they arrive in can choose to either treat them in a civilized manor or not, could you imagine if the US bulldozed illegal immigrants homes.
This man claimed to be Bahamian, not even an illegal, his crime, not having enough money to go through all the appropriate paperwork and channels to get himself an official home.
In case you are 'unaware' Abaco was flattened by Dorian, there are not the legal structures and facilities to support the people already on that island, where is the help, should they sit around waiting for the Gov to build them a home or a they have done, started building themselves, perhaps you would prefer that they relocate all the people to Nassau, are the resources to house them available there?
I was actually calling shame on you, yes you, the government just does what it does to keep itself in power, and if that means picking on impoverished people to please a segment of their electorate that's what they do, it seems to have your approval.
Right now they have just put a family out of a house and onto the street, how has that helped the situation for anyone?

On More homes demolished in the farm

Posted 17 May 2021, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

TT242 says...

So you knock a mans house down on a Hurricane ravaged Island with limited access to work, food, water and shelter.
You tell him to man up and provide for his family, is that not what he did and you just destroyed it?
Then you cheer the destruction satisfied that you just made another family homeless and in further distress.
Well done, most of the supporters of these these story's truly live up to the D- education reputation the Bahamas has.
Haitian or Bahamian it dont matter, those humans are there on that island, protected by laws, just trying to make it day to day.
I'd call shame on you, but to pity you makes more sense...

On More homes demolished in the farm

Posted 17 May 2021, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal