Comment history

Tarzan says...

So long as jurors do not fall out of the jury box laughing derisively about the old "I took the money to give it to the Church, or for the PLP campaign coffers" nothing will change. There is no sentient person alive in the Bahamas who does not know that bribes and their active solicitation were a way of life in the Christie Administration years, and yet, this charade of "nothing to see here, move on" continues unabated.

On Parliament 'must get serious' on corruption

Posted 13 November 2019, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

It is almost criminal that organizations like Climate Control are permitted to publish as "science" these totally bogus studies predicting never less than catastrophic disasters that serially fail to occur. There is absolutely zero evidence that sea levels are increasing outside the range that has been associated with the phasing between ice ages and withdrawal from ice ages that has been going on for all geological history. If these predictions had a scintilla of actual scientific support, do you suppose that Manhattan real estate would be selling for millions of dollars a square foot, to multi-national corporations which have endless funds to invest in real, scientific research. This is nothing but Chicken Little being given a media megaphone.

On Rising seas risk worse than feared

Posted 5 November 2019, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Not even a devastating hurricane can blow away the foul air of a political hack trying to find any excuse possible to criticize the first government since independence actually attempting to address the rampant corruption that has since beset these Heaven blessed isles.

Tarzan says...

You are correct. The PLP will stick to the old and corrupt gang including Cuba Fred.

On Davis now happy to take on challengers

Posted 25 July 2019, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

I have not seen the video allegedly circulating on social media, but I have read news reports detailing the purportedly offensive statements that started all this, and those comments far from offensive, seem nothing but the bare and obvious truth. Sorry if the truth hurts. BTC is a nightmare, fools-mess, and it was turned into that by a totally entitled union leadership and endless PLP government interference it its operations. This xenophobic aggression against managers born in another country is embarrassing and demonstrates the totally untenable position of the unions in this matter. These miscreants should all be fired forthwith. If not the entire enterprise will simply be put into bankruptcy by the excoriating effects of the marketplace and all the current Bahamian employees will be out on the street looking for a job.

Tarzan says...

Gomez is a joke who fills an empty suit. "I am a Bahamian of African decent." Really? Has he produced DNA test results to confirm that he is not someone who needs to be paying reparations if indeed any such ludicrous scheme were foisted on society. Who is "African"? Who is "White"? Isn't this exactly the kind of totally unscientific, hyper discrimination that landed us in this mess in the first place?

Tarzan says...

Hilarious! Does she think anyone living through her role in the PLP rape of this country, credits her nonsensical utterrings?

Tarzan says...

What alternative universe are you living in?

Tarzan says...

Brave the Bright: Let's loose pot heads on our roads, meanwhile rage about road accident deaths. You can't make this stuff up.

Tarzan says...

Consulting with Brave Davis about police appointments would be like Cicero, Illinois consulting with Al Capone on topic.