Comment history

Tbc says...

We owe the Hon. DPM, a debt of gratitude for his candor and honesty: he was 'jus keepin' it real' - for him ! Yinna een see, heen even embarrassed to tell we dis is as much 'respect' and 'regard as he has fa we. Wha yinna 'spect from a 'lawyer' whose practice' thrived off representing 'drug smuggling and peddling' miscreants. 2017, please hurry, so these miscreants could crawl back to their ;natural habitat', the 'sewer' called the 'Criminal Justice System' - or more accurately, the j**ustice for criminals system. Our DPM has just confirmed, crime does pay !**

Tbc says...

KB, I am and will **forever** be one of your **biggest** fans - and your 'letter' shows why. I have never told you how very much I **appreciate** and **love** your proud promotion of our people and culture via your gift of storytelling through song. You are truly a Bahamian **ambassador** and a musical **genius** - **equal** to any recording artist anywhere in the world, living or dead - past and present. I **totally** support you and I'm extremely disappointed that **every** artist in The Bahamas, whatever their **'talent'** and their families, friends and fans did not go to Parliament for a massive, prolonged protest such as has not ben seen since The "Burma Road" riots. This idea is surpassed only in it's lunacy by being treasonous. We have "our own tings". **WHY** can't we invest that 9 million in our own national festivals. **WHEN** will we move beyond this 'demeaning, self-hating, insulting' mentality. This is sad beyond expression.

On Carnival is not Bahamian

Posted 15 May 2014, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal