Comment history

Teller says...

Wow, what a pathetic person you are and we wonder why our people kill each other with no regard.

On Cable Bahamas founder dies

Posted 15 December 2013, 11:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

Cable Bahamas is a 100% Bahamian company. It was a public company from day one owned primarily by Bahamians. What did Phil Keeping bring to the Bahamas, money and expertise in building cable TV companies on islands separated by water. The Government of the Bahamas owns close to 30% of Cable Bahamas. The shares in Cable Bahamas isn a major driver in National Insurance, all local pension funds in the country and every investment bank and insurance company in the country. Cable Bahamas is also a crucial part of the infrastructure of the nation. The major driver in broadband communications. Thank you Philip Keeping for your contribution to our country.

On Cable Bahamas founder dies

Posted 15 December 2013, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

I really don't understand your premise. When Phillip Keeping came here there were no cable jobs except for a few in Freeport. Today over 500 Bahamians are employed at Cable Bahamas. Which laws has Cable Bahamas broken? Did you know that Cable Bahamas is 100% owned by Bahamian investors, which means that all the profits stay in the Bahamas?

On Cable Bahamas founder dies

Posted 13 December 2013, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

Wait a second, Bran jumped ship and Edison jumped ship but bran is calling Edison a political prostitute? Bran, seriously man you who stood up to your party, took a stand against your party is calling someone who did the same a political prostitute? This shows just how misguided you are and how you are so no where ready to lead a party much less a country. Perhaps it just means you are just like the rest of them. Yeah, that's my vote.

On McCartney advises MP's removal from FNM

Posted 9 August 2013, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

These are the owners of the company that are saying they want the deal. If I owned a company I would like to know that if i wanted to grow it, that I had that option.

On NIB 'embarrassment' on $100m Cable deals

Posted 3 August 2013, 10:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

Did you miss the part about Independent review? Did you miss the part where 78% of shareholders voted for the the deal? "with almost 78 per cent of Cable Bahamas shareholders voting in approval of the Florida expansion, the four deals have now been approved at the corporate level."

On NIB 'embarrassment' on $100m Cable deals

Posted 3 August 2013, 10:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

Sorry banker I must have missed the article that the shareholders were forced to buy anything. I did see where the overwhelming percentage of shareholders voted to buy several companies. I stand to be corrected.

On NIB 'embarrassment' on $100m Cable deals

Posted 3 August 2013, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

Check the laws that govern intellectual law before you speak my friend. As for funneling money, CBL is a public company the money is being funneled to the shareholders.

On NIB 'embarrassment' on $100m Cable deals

Posted 3 August 2013, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

As Cable Bahamas is a public company that would be public information and it would have been vetted by the Bahamas government, the central Bank and BISX. I would agree that the payout to Philip Keeping would be large as one of the companies being purchased is partly owned by him and it's a $100M deal.

On NIB 'embarrassment' on $100m Cable deals

Posted 3 August 2013, 1:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Teller says...

73% of the people that own the company voted, it was vetted by an independent committee, the shareholders that did not vote for the deal did not vote against it. Why would anyone be against it exactly if you do not hold shares? The logic eludes me greatly.

The money is going to certain people, certain people that own certain companies that the shareholders of Cable Bahamas wish to purchase. This deal has been vetted by BISX, the Central Bank, the FCC and god knows how many agencies, do you think everybody missed this "underhanded deal" that is suppose to be happening?

Here is another possible scenario, "Bahamians should know their place, don't try to go beyond the Bahamas, after all we are just Bahamians, let's not get to full of ourselves. Only Americans and Chinese should expand outside of their countries boundaries, not Bahamians, we are not smart enough, we are not good enough" Black crab syndrome is alive and well in the Bahamas. SMH

On NIB 'embarrassment' on $100m Cable deals

Posted 3 August 2013, 12:57 a.m. Suggest removal