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TheFixer says...

8 million is really a big amount of cash I don't know if it worth it. I would also like to <a href="…">find out more</a> about real estate because I'm thinking about buying a new house.

On Nassau Palm's new owners in $8m upgrades

Posted 13 July 2014, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

Sometimes if you are not able to control yourself, gambling can be addictive

TheFixer says...

Well, I'm sure it will be an awesome building when it will be ready, I can hardly wait to see it. But until then, they will need lots of professionals and <a href="">soldering</a> tools.

On Construction '1/3 done' on Baha Mar

Posted 20 June 2014, 6:51 a.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

For that kind of money I'm sure it will be an awesome building. I can hardly wait to see it finished. Hopefully they will efficiently take care of the <a href="…">septic system maintenance</a> also.

TheFixer says...

What DNA does it's a very good thing and I think all appreciate that. I believe they would have more success if the ask help from <a href="">National Legal Professional Associates</a> too.

TheFixer says...

What teachers do is a very good thing because most of Bahamas income comes from tourism. That way teachers can help in the progress of Bahamas economy. I took my degree at <a href="">Montgomery Academy</a> and I must say that the teachers from there had also other activities which I consider a very good thing.

On Educators boost tourism industry

Posted 18 March 2014, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

I also agree with this article, parents should indeed take care of their children and have them under control. Anyway, sometimes accidents happen and children do stupid things. When that happens parents should hire for themselves a good lawyer like <a href="">Larson</a>.

On 'Charge parents for child's crimes'

Posted 21 January 2014, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

I believe that reviewing this laws is very useful because too many people die because of other people's reckless driving. If they wanna have more success with it they should ask counseling from <a href="">Matthews</a> & Matthews also.

TheFixer says...

First of all if you run a business you need a building in which you run it. My advice is to contact <a href="">JTM building company</a>, I'm sure they will find you the perfect building. When this is done, then you can think about the logo.

On Ensure logos reflect true business image

Posted 4 September 2013, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

It's good that educators are learning about the tourism industry, this can be like a <a href="…">Personal Development</a> for them. Who wouldn't enjoy that?

On Educators boost tourism industry

Posted 5 February 2013, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal