Comment history

TheFixer says...

thanks for this great article, computer viruses are a real threat in our days. I was looking for a long time to find a good article about <a href="…">Staying Safe on Social Networking Sites</a> and finally I found one.

TheFixer says...

I believe that standardised high school diploma is a very good idea. That way it will be much easier for graduates to get to <a href="…">Work in an In-Demand Field</a>.

TheFixer says...

It's true that they have a lot to work on the Bahamian education but as far as I see they are on the right path. I have friends which took their <a href="…">Master of Science in Information Technology</a> there and they got hired by important companies.

On Education minister tours education sites

Posted 15 January 2013, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

Public education is very important and shouldn't be put on second place. I believe that <a href="…">Professional Organizers</a> should be hired to take public education in hands and make it better.

On PLP education pledge only 'double talk'

Posted 15 January 2013, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

Seems like the Bahamian education is on the right path, although they will have to work a lot on it. Until then Bahamian students learn in foreign countries with <a href="…">scholarships or grants</a>.

On Looking at Bahamian education

Posted 15 January 2013, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

I also heard that girls perform better at exams than boys. I also heard about girls taking <a href="…">leadership</a> degrees much easier than boys. That's because boys are lazier and more comfortable.

On Girls do better than boys in exams

Posted 15 January 2013, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

It's very important to help deaf students so the can also have a<a href="…">corporate career</a> like any normal person. Everybody deserves a chance even if a person has disabilities.

On Bid to open horizons for deaf students

Posted 15 January 2013, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

Being an educator is great, I always considered this one of the most <a href="…">satisfying and fulfilling careers</a>. They spend most of their time with children and also travel a lot.

On Educators boost tourism industry

Posted 15 January 2013, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...


Posted 15 January 2013, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

TheFixer says...

Marketing is very important for every company and for every business. you can have a successful business only with strong marketing and the best way for marketing is to use <a href="…">Tucson search engine optimization</a>.