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TheMadHatter says...

Fine for you to disagree. You have that right. As the country continues to expand the practice of Voodoo, God will send us more hints and more hints such that eventually even the D-Average will understand.
Maybe He will send us an earthquake like he sent to them? Does He have the power to do that? We have the power to issue passports and voters cards, while we doubt His power.

TheMadHatter says...

Coronavirus, Sharonavirus. Big deal. Now if you fellas were talking about some world-wide shortage of coffee beans, I could understand the panic. Geesh.

TheMadHatter says...

There's nothing I fear more, than toilet paper bandits. What is this world coming to? My Lord.

TheMadHatter says...

The Bahamas as a whole can't catch a break because we have turned our back on God and embraced Voodoo practitioners. As long as they are elevated, Bahamians will go down. Down and down to the very pits of Hell we go, shouting "Equality !!!" all the way.

TheMadHatter says...

"Updating the infectious disease protocol" ???????????????????? LOL

I wonder if he would be willing to have this newspaper publish the OLD one ? LOL. (You know, the one that don't exist.)

TheMadHatter says...

I don't know why he (or anyone) is worried about what the US says or does. Remember we are an "Independent Nation" - lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

On D'Aguilar worried by Trump travel ban

Posted 12 March 2020, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

"..."The other big issue that comes to a head if oil is found is do we proceed to commercial exploration and drilling, and what happens to that money? Does it go into the sovereign wealth fund? We essentially ..."

Sir - there IS NO Sovereign Wealth Fund. If I am wrong, tell us the balance now in that Fund and when the first deposit was made historically, and from whence each deposit into it came.

Also tell us, how you are NOT breaking the law, by not putting funds into the Consolidated Fund as required by the Constitution.

if there is a vote on oil, i will vote "NO" unless there is a part of the law that requires a separate "numbered" account (not account) - in which all deposits and withdrawals are made public on the govt website - updated weekly, and withdrawals must say exactly where they are going.

Of course, we have a law like that now - which says that MPs have to disclose their sources of wealth - and many of them do not - and nothing happens to them. So I suppose my idea is nonsense. They simply won't tell us the ins and outs of the Fund and what can be done about it? Nothing.

As citizens, our job is to pay taxes, ink our fingers, and shut up.

On Public to have say on oil operations

Posted 12 March 2020, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Probably so. I keep informing Bahamians at every encounter with them - that they are essentially slaves here. I beg them to show the government that they are not fooled into thinking they are real citizens living in a democracy - by boycotting all Independence Day celebrations or activities whether public or private. Show them that we are not stupid.
But - every year - there are throngs of people marching and appearing to be happy.
I suppose if the slaves are happy and truly ignorant of the fact that they have no lives, are literally walking dead like zombies - then it doesn't matter.
If they are happy - they are happy. Why should we bother them?

On Public to have say on oil operations

Posted 12 March 2020, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Joe - Yes, I'm well aware as a very long time political activist. So that is the angle you are coming from? Ok. I've heard some rumors (but very scant) that he might do that - and that does make more sense now that he sees the DOW dropping and nothing happening with the FPO airport, and the continued decline of good job availability to real Bahamians. Brain drain is also a serious thing as young people realize their future lies in the past, and that was way back in 1967-1973 time period, which they realize is a bygone era but they also realize that the leaders of the country simply cannot let go of and still wax nostalgic for. Race cards. Junkanoo/Carnival festivals, beer and dominoes rule the day.
Even those who aspire to be teacher now have to compete with Cubans because the government does not have the guts to raise salaries by a special education tax and neither to provide teacher education centers etc. Im sure they are just going to love having Cubans in the classroom just like having Philipinos in the hospitals who they can threaten with deportation if they dont be good little slaves. Bahamians (the real ones) don't want to be slaves, and so govt dem be vex bout dat.

On Census to recruit 1,700 staff

Posted 12 March 2020, 7:05 a.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

They can train them at The Pointe. Send in 10 new trainees. If after one week their answer to "Number of Chinese workers" is "I don't know"
Then -congratulations - you are hired !!!!

On Census to recruit 1,700 staff

Posted 11 March 2020, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal