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TheMadHatter says...

Davis will "hint" who he wants and the P-Lemmings-P will vote accordingly.


Posted 25 July 2019, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Exactly. This is so very sad. Dont these people realize that we NEED a strong opposition for democracy to work? They just threw up a white flag and gave up. They will not get more than 9 seats.
Where the heck is Sears? There is a saying that to whom much is given, much is expected. I cannot understand why he wont use his excellent knowledge of government and our Constitution to lead our nation into freedom and prosperity.
Sears is a supreme disappointment to me. I agree numbers money is good, but our people are suffering so very much. Maybe he never comes out of the office? Never drives Nassau Street? Cowpen Road? East St. South?
Now our country has been condemned to suffer another 8 years. Is there a demonic curse on us?


Posted 25 July 2019, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

They never left:
1. ) We cant hang murderers;
2.) Numbers still on your voting ballot;
3.) The "Crown" still owns our land and seabed.
4.) Judges still wear the white wigs.


On The British are coming back

Posted 25 July 2019, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

I notice the traffic law article left out that now we can turn left on a red light (after confirming nobody is coming from either side). Or did the government take back that carrot and leave us only with the 4 sticks? Wouldn't surprise me. We are used to sticks - from the front or the back.

TheMadHatter says...

Bahamians dont need enemies from outside the country. We is our own enemy. Spite for spite.b

TheMadHatter says...

Man, if only the power company would accept slick words as payment; i could print this out and rush down there and likely end up with a credit on my "light".
That e-cabinet program has been in the works for months. Why do things take so long? It's an off-the-shelf program. Muddo.

On None

Posted 23 July 2019, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Look here. We got "Junkanoo in June" now, so what yall worring about?

TheMadHatter says...

With email and DHL and local on the ground couriers why we even need post office? In ten years there probably wont be a post office or library anywhere on Earth.
Shut it down now. This is a chance for the Bahamas to be FIRST for once on something of importance.
Local couriers can be authorized by law to perform legal registered mail and then we straight. Take one million dollars ans buy each courier company 3 new vans and put the rest of that lease money back in the Confuddled Fund.

TheMadHatter says...

Can't the churches take up a special collection one Sunday per month to assist with the financial difficulties?

TheMadHatter says...

I was not aware that they paid slave wages. Wow. Will this country ever fully implement the Emancipation of Slavery Act? Is our history worth nothing? Is our history mot educational? Why do we even bother to teach it in school?

On Patron tax to cover just 45% of gaming

Posted 21 July 2019, 7:55 a.m. Suggest removal