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The_Logician says...

What about the black Bahamian men & children? Or the white Bahamians? I guess you gotta be black & female to get his help. Don't be living in Centreville that's for sure.

On Christie denies claims on spending

Posted 1 July 2017, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Logician says...

You people need to pull your collective heads out of your backsides. He has been on the on the job for what, 2, 3 weeks? Running what is probably a half a billion dollar enterprise when you consider the extent of his portfolio? And you want instant answers?? Get real. Obviously NONE of you have the faintest idea of what it takes to run, direct or put in place policy for a multi-million dollar operation. If he has a Fyre Festival abortion in, say, 6 to 12 months from now, then go at it. Until then, given him (and the other ministers) the opportunity to get on top of what has been a basket case of mismanagement and/or corruption (take your pick or both) for the last 5 years.

The_Logician says...

Agree 1,000%. Bahmasair should be flying to Frankfurt & Schipol, two main hubs in Europe, Dubai, largest hub in Middle East, and to Sao Paolo (Brazil), Santiago (Chile) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). The biggest problem that potential visitors from these areas have is obtaining a US Visa to transit the US. Provide alternates that allow them to eliminate that constriction and they will come. Why do you think Copa is making such a killing on the Nassau to Panama City route?
Might offer an alternative to Shitish Airways to London as well, not much in the way of competition there! LOL.

The_Logician says...

The Government cannot in itself achieve growth, it has to come from the private sector. The private sector is strangled by regulation. It took us 5 months to change the the business that operating out of the same location doing the same business. It takes a company 2 to 3 months to open a bank account, which requires KYC on every shareholder, beneficial owner, director, officer and signatory. The business license tax is taking away the growth of working capital; if your business has the potential of (say) making a 5% profit, a third of that goes to the Government. If you business makes not profit, it instead makes a 1.5% loss as a tax. This economic madness has gone on for years, so it is no surprise the only companies making any real profits are the web shops and large corporations. So make the business license a flat fee. And don't get me started on price control, a 50 year old policy that outgrew its usefulness at least 40 years ago. Privatise all of the utilities and government owned corporations, spending half a billion a year to prop them up is further economic madness. Eliminate the travel exemption, all you are doing with that is subsidising the economy of Florida at our expense. Eliminate duty and increase VAT to 10%. If you do these things you will see real economic growth. If not, better hope the Chinese are prepared to invest long renminbi, because after the Baha Mar debacle no sane investor would touch us with a barge pole. Where there is no vision ...

The_Logician says...

The main problem is the blocking of the development of the waterfront. It is not as if there has been a lack of proposals, but the government insists on restricting the height of the proposed buildings. If you cannot go up 4 or 6 floors the development is not economic. Funny how they manage to allow that obscenity on PI, and the Chinese appear to have no problem with being allowed to build a multi-floor car park on the waterfront. Those old docks on Bay St. were all closed and moved to Arawak Cay. So allow the owners to re-develop them properly with ocean front condos, nightclubs, restaurants and the rest will take care of itself.

The_Logician says...

Regardless of the ability of the BMDA members to adapt to changing market conditions, Mr. Albury is correct on several points. A properly licensed new or used car dealer must get a business license, provide a proper location for the sale of the goods, license for VAT, get inspected by MOW and DEHS and so on. Not to mention repeated visits from the price control Nazis. Curbside dealers do not have the bureaucratic overheads to deal with, do not have the overhead costs of a proper location, and are avoiding the VAT regime which in of itself carries heavy penalties if enforced, and avoid price control. Consequently yes it is unfair competition. I wonder if they are charging their customer VAT and keeping it? Simple enough for the Dept. of Inland Revenue to assess their compliance (or lack thereof) when their phone number is sitting on the wind screen!

The_Logician says...

BPC share price hit a 52 week low of 3.20 on July 16; now this announcement, and the share price has suddenly climbed. Over 500K shares sold on July 24 for over 4.00; I wonder who made a profit on that???…