Comment history

The_Messenger says...

They all deserve to be thrown in jail for their corruption.

The_Messenger says...

This government is slowly destroying what ever is left of businesses. Sad times for the Bahamas.

The_Messenger says...

It is ludicrous to force small to medium sized businesses to pay thousands of dollars more for nonsense accountant fees, this will only lead to to more businesses shutting their doors for good. It is already not worth it anymore to do business in this country as it is for many. Unfortunately more Bahamians will lose their jobs and clearly there will be much less VAT collected without businesses in business.

Incompetent governance has failed this country.

The_Messenger says...

GBPC or Emera have been taking about alternate energy for years on end in an attempt to avoid the real problem. The end cost of power which has destroyed Grand Bahama and Bahamians livelihoods, the truth is they have not saved anyone a single dime and they themselves are making millions of dollars more in profits than ever before.

The price of oil crashed in August of 2014 by half of what it used to be but Grand Bahama is still getting murdered with insane power bills.

These criminals should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country.

The_Messenger says...

Miller should be fined and locked up for disobeying the law and robbing people. End of story.

The_Messenger says...

Oh look another 20-25 million dollars raised that will be used to build another crooked politician another new home when it should be going into the treasury. Nothing to see here.

The_Messenger says...

The government needs to price control themselves and the power companies who have been robbing Bahamians on a daily basis for the last 30+ years.

The_Messenger says...

Mr. Mortimer is 100% correct, his business like all businesses in the Bahamas have had their cost of doing business going through the roof for years and now the government wants to price control them because they are raising costs to make ends meet.

Give me a break, these so called leaders are a bunch of effin morons that are nothing but incompetent fools when it comes to understanding how business works. They want businesses to lower their prices? Start by lowering duties across the board like what was supposed to be done when VAT was implemented and fix the cost of power which is nothing but a catastrophe in this country.


The_Messenger says...

BEC and GBPC also have not reduced their ridiculous prices, which is damning because the cost of fuel (oil) plummeted down by 30% five months ago in August of 2014.

The_Messenger says...

With only a few weeks to go before VAT the PM has called the VAT situation BAD yet HE is responsible for this BAD situation. Remember this is the same PM who went to Las Vegas after he convinced the rest of his blind followers to rush the VAT bill through at the eleventh hour.

The owners of this big mess is the PM, the PLP and no one else.

On PM says: ‘Make best of bad situation’ on VAT

Posted 11 December 2014, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal