Comment history

Thewholestory says...

The Chairman's remarks are sexist, demeaning and pathetic.Did I mention disgraceful and unseemly? He has found it acceptable to trivialize the important role of the Governor of the Central Bank because she is a woman while at the same time creating slimy innuendo relative to the Prime Minister. This is most unworthy of a National Chairman of what is supposed to be a respectable political organization. The tone and tenor of Mr Cash's comments in recent times tells me he needs to hang up his gloves. He is doing more harm than good to the FNM.

Thewholestory says...

Let us not forget....the repeal of the Immovable Property Act by Mr Ingraham. For the first time EVER Bahamian land was being sold on the internet - beachfront at that!
If I did not know any better , I would think you are trying to reinvent history...