Comment history

Thinker says...

Wow. Good one.

On Mitchell to Sarkis: Conform or leave

Posted 4 August 2015, 9:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Thinker says...

Why does government need a new National Developement Plan when their job is to upgrade and develop schools that presently exist?

Everything government says is a lie and everything it has was stolen. -Nietsche.

On Chamber chief: Target 9-10% jobless rate

Posted 30 July 2015, 5:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Thinker says...

I am in charge of 2 small businesses. We have cut our staff hours down in half. My partners are seriosly considering leaving the country. They are Bahamians of expat decent. I am losing hope as government takes even more of our earnings.

Thinker says...

The truth is that they (the government) don't care about crime, poverty, sovereignty. They care about power, control, money. If they cared at all, you wouldn't have written this letter. I'm glad you care though.

On Educational system

Posted 8 July 2015, 7:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Thinker says...

I hope government stops teifing but it looks like the Mob has got us.

On VAT on private health insurance

Posted 8 July 2015, 7:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Thinker says...

Economically, the facts are that, individually, we are better off keeping every dime that we make so that we are able to help ourselves FIRST and then decide where we would like to help others. Governments believe it is better to take money without permission and redistribute. However, do you see the redistribution? Is it approved by you? Is it benefiting you? Is the homeless or impoverished situation improving? Roads/ infrastructure? Crime?

Thinker says...

It is not the politician's fault for the breakdown in the family unit, which is the core problem here. However, the political employees we have hired are perpetuating a broken system indeed!

Thinker says...

Is there any other kind of politician?

Thinker says...

And the amount of potential and later proven innocents the State kills is staggering, but I guess for many people it's worth killing so many who land on the wrong side of the law. Strange human behavior, all the killing.

Thinker says...

Yes indeed!!!! Frightening is the word! He is a socialist cloaked in "change for the people".