Comment history

ThomasLewis says...

This was well said from the mouth of a young man who has substance.

ThomasLewis says...

Birdie, you would really need to stop being so bias in your judgement. It is because persons with the mindset that you have why we the Bahamas continues to go downhill.

What Mr. Lightbourne has expressed within his deliberation is nothing but truth and until we acknowledge our issues we will never find a solution.

The minds of this present generation in general has been mesmerized by the materialism of society. For the most part there is no vision. However we trust that with those of us who are strong willed and has ambition we will be able to turn around the downward path.

ThomasLewis says...

BoopaDoop as a former supporter of the PLP and previous employee of Baha Mar the talks from the PM have become so tiring.

It wearies the physical body in hearing him speak on the mobility of the continued construction of Baha Mar.

It is best for him to be in silence because he is just revealing himself more and causing mistrust of him and the present government.

Since 2012 they have done more hurt than good for this nation....... So sad!!

ThomasLewis says...

This has been a problem ongoing for years!!

That plant nursery is the best on the island!! Mr. Thompson takes full pride and care in his business. So I know he must of been horrified.

It must of been terrible as we can see in the pictures.... Something has to be done immediately!!

ThomasLewis says...

No man...(with tears in my eyes)!!

I can't believe we have to have come to such absurd and inhumane behavior to this extent.

My heart grieves for the atrocious act upon these animals' life.. I trust that persons are caught and dealt with to the full extent of the law so that they can serve as an example for those trampling animals' rights.

ThomasLewis says...

The writer should realize the hurt, pain and death that the debacle has caused and is continuing to cause. So many people have been hurt and destroyed beyond repair and only the good Lord could intervene and make some alterations to make the shift in their lives.

We need to be fair in our judgement and transparent. Had the intervention of the powers that be were not so bias I believe we would have progressed tremendously!

On Baha Mar vs The Pointe

Posted 11 March 2016, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

ThomasLewis says...

Marrcus... Let them be reminded!!!

The government refused to take heed to the call of Sarkis when he opted to use Bahamian contractors. Imagine how far we could of been now with Baha Mar. Not to mention had they not fought against the filing of the Chapter 11.

They just continue to damage this great country time and repeatedly in every move they make.

ThomasLewis says...

That is so great!!!

On Rescued: Baby manatee saved by researchers

Posted 9 February 2016, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

ThomasLewis says...

CMiller... You are so right about your statements.

The state this country is in I have a feeling that no successive government will be able to turn it around within short order.

Only the Almighty could make that radical change.

ThomasLewis says...

- COB Audit

If these are some of the countless teachable moments made within 3-1/2 years just imagine what will take place in the next 1-1/2 years.

Wake up Bahamas!!

This is the worst government since these islands were discovered in 1492!!!

On A list of teachable moments

Posted 30 October 2015, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal