Comment history

Thumbelina242 says...

McCartney's use of the words "calculated and calculating" is quite interesting. Is the implication positive or negative?

On DNA leader rejects Minnis claims

Posted 9 March 2017, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Thumbelina242 says...

The fire didn't start at the dump???. That landfill has been smoldering for weeks while they sat back, 'watched' and did nothing. Ask the residents in the Fire Trail/Jubilee Gardens/Faith Avenue./Gladstone Road areas who have to close their windows at night so they don't have to inhale smoke emanating from the dump while they sleep.

Thumbelina242 says...

He was further ordered to return the excavated sand to Jaws beach. Really?????......and just how much sand in land value is that??

Thumbelina242 says...

A PLP cronie really wouldn't have any issues with this government. Well said Maynard....we see your colors!

Thumbelina242 says...

Mr Hall's comments are baseless! I don't go anywhere with my boobs out. I was appropriately dressed but because the blouse I had on was sleeveless I was told I couldn't register to vote. Only after I started to question what was wrong with my clothing, the lady allowed me to take the picture (face shot) and register. They complain that voter registration is down and putting us through this nonsense! Get it together! We are taking time out of our busy schedules to register. We don't need the hassle!

On 'Cover breasts to register for vote'

Posted 31 December 2016, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Thumbelina242 says...

And how much perecent of each contract will the builders have to pay him under the table? Is her serious????

Thumbelina242 says...

guaranteed. ....all those government officials from the PM down will be first in line for debt forgiveness. They have a track record for not paying theur own bills. Just look at the way they manage the country's financial affairs!!..Hmmph!!

Thumbelina242 says...

“We cannot continue to cater to the few at the expense of the many,” he said. “It is not fair, it is not right, we need to address these problems in order for the Bahamas to come back on the right foot, to be stronger, to enable parity and fair play to be the order of the day.”...........well, well, that what you have to say about you PLP politicians and your cronies Mr. Miller? But isn't that the order of the day with you guys????

Thumbelina242 says...

The PLP govt spent and wasted hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars over the past 4 years. Some of that money could have bèen used to purchase an automated voting system that would completely eliminate the need for manual counting, inaccuracies, manipulation of votes, and delays in publishing election results. Come on!!! When will you guys take your heads out of the sand and get it right!!??? 2017 elections just around the corner!!

Thumbelina242 says...

The majority of Bahamians want a better bahamas and we are very passionate , vocal, vociferous even, about that. In every relationship however opinions will differ. NO does not necessarily mean an individual is opposed to change but rather "let's reason sensibly on this". Even our kids don't want us to force our way of doing things on them when they are not clear on WHY we are doing it. The more we push, the more they resist if it appears the argument is one-sided.
I've seen words like ignorant, stupid, xenophobic, backward thinking, idiot, fool, even profanities ascribed to people who voted NO in this referendum and that's disappointing coming from intelligent, forward thinking Bahamians. "Pledge to excel through LOVE and a common, loftier goal"......we can do this!!