Comment history

Thumbelina242 says...

@ThisIsOurs. thoughts exactly!!

On PM: It’s time to vote YES

Posted 6 June 2016, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Thumbelina242 says...

Establish an Obudsman Office that is not elected or appointed by the government, where complaints of corruption by government officials can be lodged, formally investigated and adjudicated. This agency should be given full authority to recind discretionary powers/parliamentary privileges, levy fines or impose jail time for government officials found guilty of corruption. Enough is enough!!....Too many pirates running the country!!

Thumbelina242 says...

It's really unfortunate but painfully clear that the root cause of this situation is that the lawyer called to the Bahamas Bar Association failed to do a complete title search and proper due diligence to determine the rightful owners of the property before concluding the sale of the property. But I guess being paid was more important to the attorney than executing the work properly. The end result is the hard working 'small man' has no recourse when his money has been spent.

Thumbelina242 says...

He's all smoke and mirrors people. This is about diverting attention so no one finds out his questionable management style while he was Chairman at BEC. What does or doesn't happen at BEC is none of his business anymore. He just needs to pay his light bill like the rest of us. Hahaha....potcake barking cuz lights out for him

Thumbelina242 says...

Every officer no matter their rank should be disciplined for behavior unbecoming of an officer. It's sad that those charged with upholding and enforcing the law lack discipline themselves. Smh

Thumbelina242 says...

One would think that Mr. Miller would as a national leader, exercise a more disciplined approach when voicing his opinions publicly lest he offend the very people who voted for him. But the arrogant prideful person that he is ....that's just not possible. Foot in mouth syndrome seems to be the order of the day with our governing officials. I wonder what he will say to the Crisis Centre when he back pedals on his words a second time. Disingenuous, undisciplined fool. Shame on you Mr. Miller!

On Crisis Centre demands apology from Miller

Posted 9 December 2015, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal