Comment history

TigerB says...

He insisted it would be sold at 150.oo Million whats the deal with the 100.00 million

TigerB says...

I wonder where these discussions are taking place, certainly not in the halls of Parliment.

TigerB says...

Wil these be NGO's ahahah

TigerB says...

"Additionally, she said there are ongoing discussions with the Grand Bahama Port Authority for land in Heritage Subdivision."
Heritage Sub division is flood prune. Have been flooded a number of times. She should have ask questions. I hope the Port don't swing her.

TigerB says...

We are holding steady at $5.52 here in Grand Bahamas, but i expect it will move more closer to Nassau prices.

On Shopping for gas at a discount

Posted 8 April 2022, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

So... do we put the police back in school or leave them on the streets. A murder a night, and the beat goes on.

TigerB says...

Agreed, considering that handguns are illegal, its sickening that almost 100% of these incidents are done with an illegal item.

On Pintard: Govt should already have a plan

Posted 30 March 2022, 8:07 a.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

It doesn't mean because they won their case they didn't do fool. I always use O.J Simpson case on here. He walked away with his name from the criminal side, but got nail from the civil side.

TigerB says...

All they have to do is stop promoting every one... I have never seen a force with more chiefs than indian. Really weird, and none can really lead.

TigerB says...

At this pace it looks like it will be over 10 murders this year. Same story, different day.