Comment history

TimeForChange says...

So you feel that pushing down a elderly lady being American or Bahamian is ok. Because of the lack of respect in this country its why the crime rate is so high and out of control. When you cannot respect your elders then that says a lot about your character or lack of!

TimeForChange says...

I am a member of the Anglican church community and have been all my life, growing up in church I was taught to have respect for myself to conduct myself accordingly and to respect my elders. Looking around at the church today this generation I can clearly see has none of those values that was taught to me as a young child and what was displayed in the Anglican church I grew up in. Even with the way the young children are dressed in church its not respectable anymore but that's how the parents allow their children to dress. As for this situation of cancelling graduation I applaud the Bishop for taking a stand and punishing the graduating class my only disappointment in that is those persons who may not have participated in those actions have to suffer as well because of what their peers did. But I think its high time these children start to be punished because for too long they have been out of control acting like no one has any authority over them and cant tell them what to do. I have seen the video of these dances those children were portraying and my opinion it was extremely vulgar and disrespectful so they deserve to be punished!

TimeForChange says...

This country has no morals left in it. I drive around or go out to the malls or other places and just the way "young women" are dressed or acting its just disgusting. But this seems to be fashion trend these days. What I would like to see is how their parents at least mothers are dressing maybe even worse than them. So if Wilchcombe wants to talk about morals deteriorating then I think its a little to late for that. Cause these things are happening all over Nassau not just downtown he is only concerned about it cause downtown is where the tourist frequent the most but I think the Minister needs to take a drive around Nassau and see what the morals in this country really looks like!

TimeForChange says...

Its people like Roberts why this country is still in the same spot as it was 40 years ago. When you can sit down and instead of finding a solution to a problem you cast blame on the government who was in office before you then you don't expect for a country to move anywhere. This man needs to stay out of the papers cause nothing that he says makes any sense. The PLP wasted money the whole time they were in office I haven't seen anything that they have done in all the 30 plus years they were running this country.

On ROBERTS: audit exposed another FNM mess

Posted 21 May 2013, 8:01 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

I say we stop sitting back and depending on the government and blaming them for everything that goes wrong in our lives. It must first start at home if you do not train your child in the proper way and put down rules for them then what do you expect for them to do. A child mindset is only as intelligent as what he/she was taught by their parents. How is it that the Haitian children can come in this country and get an education FREE and succeed but the Bahamians cant do it. Haitians come from a poor country so they know of poverty first hand but some Bahamians spoil their children to the core and they dont discipline them as they should. When the foreign children are getting their education the Bahamians are going around fighting and getting in trouble and being mothers before they graduate from school. So the blame with this can only lie at the feet of the parents. I have seen myself the way these children behave they fight in the road in oncoming traffic like they are a bunch of wild animals why because that is the way they were brought up by their parents not the government! So not every problem that happens in this society is the blame of the government we need to learn to start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop putting the blame on others. If our children are coming out of school with no education then as parents we have only ourselves to blame!

TimeForChange says...

Ha Ha ha......and this in only in the first 12 months and 4 more years to go! What will happen in the next four years.........they were always corrupt and always will be corrupt but I guess some people will never learn! What a shame that other people knew better than to waste a vote for a failed party but once again ignorance prevailed!

On PLP does not believe in Bahamians

Posted 4 May 2013, 12:30 a.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

Koed Smith is a stupid racist jackass who got in law degree out of a cereal box!

On Police block off beach amid row

Posted 4 May 2013, 12:16 a.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

I agree but this country is not going to move anywhere anytime soon until Bahamians can learn to get along with their own fellow Bahamians. We talk about the foreigners coming and taking what should be the Bahamians but when you see another Bahamian trying to make it what do you do you go and take that from them! But if we all look at the foreigners living or working here look at how they act with each other they share what they have if my brother don't have it and I have it then I share it with them. But Bahamians don't know what it means to share anything they want to take what you have simply because they don't want you to have any more than them. I have seen Haitians sharing jobs working together, the Chinese share their wealth among themselves! But not here Bahamians don't even know how to get along with another person they would hate you just because your skin color is different and it happens daily. So if we expect this country to go forward then we as Bahamians and I mean both black and white need to learn to get along with each other. Stop dividing the country we were all born on the same soil!

On Bahamians march on parliament

Posted 3 May 2013, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

What a laugh! Travelling to places what don't have nothing to do with the Bahamas wow and this country is suppose to be in debt. What far away nation shall Fred travel to next month?

On Mitchell on Abu Dhabi visit

Posted 2 May 2013, 12:20 a.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

Here we go again!!! Could the newspaper stop giving this jackass the time of day to sit and make dumb comments like this. The mortgage so called relieve plan was bogus from the beginning it never was going to work and it never will work. So Bradley you and the rest of your followers including your leader please go sit down cause aint a one a yinna know what the hell to do to keep this country afloat! Can we please vote these bunch a wutless - all talk and no action people outta government NOW!