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TimeForChange says...

Nottage please go and sit the hell down I am tired of hearing idle talk in this damn country. You wont do nothing the police wont do nothing and in a couple of months all this will be swept under the carpet as usual under the PLP government cause that is how yall operate!

TimeForChange says...

Christie needs to step down and carry some of those old heads with him as well like Nottage and Roberts and the rest who seem like they cant give up politics. They are all washed up and need to GO! They cant move the country forward in any which way only making a bunch of promises that they cannot keep or fulfill!

On Christie should follow pope's lead

Posted 12 February 2013, 10:54 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

@Jack, I think by the time this government get through with this country we will be as deep as the Titanic at the bottom of the atlantic ocean and it will take years of searching to find this country again!

On Short of money, but must have new House

Posted 12 February 2013, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

@John, what difference does is make what color a persons skin is, if he has committed a criminal act he should be punished just like everyone else no matter if hes black or white. Your character is not determined by your skin color but by what you display to the world and that is what you should be judged upon not by the color of your skin. This country is not only made up of black bahamians but also white bahamians as well and myself being a white bahamian born and bred in this country all my life with bahamian parents both black and white am sick and tired of racist comments like that. All this racism need to stop in this country!

On JUST IN: Wrinkle sentenced to jail

Posted 12 February 2013, 10:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

Same old PLP aint nothing change this is what the people voted for a government who cares about only their needs not the people of the bahamas and now they have to live with it for the next four years the sad thing is that other people who knew better and know that the PLP cares nothing about the people but only themselves also have to suffer!

On Short of money, but must have new House

Posted 10 February 2013, 1:34 a.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

Wow Perry Christie decides to breaks his silence after a whole week of ducking and dodging. Talk about a man with no backbone he is a disgrace to this country and not even fit to hold the title of a Prime Minister. Christie wouldnt even answer questions from the press but instead go into hiding to avoid any questions but before the referandum he on the news every night what a laugh! Once again this just goes to show this man doesnt have a vision for this country and he is incompetent and wutless. As long as this man is the prime minister this country is going nowhere except downhill and fast!

On Silence over referendum is broken

Posted 10 February 2013, 1:26 a.m. Suggest removal

TimeForChange says...

Are you kidding me, all this crime and unemployment going on in the bahamas especially in nassau and this is what the goverment is talking about a new building what the hell! But thats what happen when you have a bunch of incompetent people running a country who dont know their hand from their foot!

On House call for new building

Posted 10 February 2013, 1:12 a.m. Suggest removal