Comment history

TimesUp says...

Only reason the hotel will sell is because its a condition required for the purchase of the harbor. History seems to be repeating itself.

This has to tie in with a home port deal and its not hard to imagine the deals being made behind closed doors.

The cruise lines want financial security more than ever. They will always sail from the U.S when they can but it makes good sense to have a developing nation in your back pocket where you wield political influence by owning a large hotel.

TimesUp says...


There are supposed to be 542 rooms in the Lucayan, 496 at Memories and 196 at Light House point = 1134 rooms.

Could Bahamians not invest in this? $120,000.00 a unit would net 136 million dollars.

I am sure smarter people than me could figure out how this could be turned around to help Bahamians have a bright future by investing in ourselves.

TimesUp says...

I remember an article on this site that stated the employees had to be terminated as a requirement of the purchasers.
Now you want to re-open the worst most dilapidated portion of the hotel after its been sat vacant and closed up all this time.
The actions sure point to this sale as having completely collapsed.

And on that note I remember articles praising the fact that there were so many potential purchasers (I think 30 was the number mentioned at one point) and that ITM was cherry picked.
Can we not pick the second best cherry?

TimesUp says...

Oh the criticism is most deserved. What has happened to our police force?

Take this articles picture as an example. When did wearing military fatigues become necessary for any office let alone a commissioner?

Going through a road traffic stop (contrary to law) with your children and having them see police officers dressed like rag tag, hodge podge mercenaries of a 3rd world African nation complete with military weapons with little firearm discipline and terror masks from popular movies with the intent to look terrifying is abysmally pitiful when you consider their task is to catch motorists in road traffic infractions.

I wont even go into how I believe our education and societal problems are now catching up to us with the resulting younger generations joining the police ranks.

On ‘Criticism of COVID policing is unfair’

Posted 18 February 2021, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

Can we not just give it to Vantage Airport Group and have a replica of the Nassau domestic terminal? I am sure the plans are knocking about somewhere and photocopies are cheap.

The only thing the Government should do is allow a management group to invest in and run the airport then focus all their attention on pleading the US to return preclearance.

This idea the airport has flooded in every storm is rubbish. It just needs some more elevation but it does not need to be a marvel of the most advanced architecture and design known to man.

Keep it simple and get it done in under 7 years please.

On Law needs to alter for GB airport deal

Posted 12 February 2021, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

I've never seen more new profiles lol!

This whole fiasco is embarrassing, BPC is obviously a shockingly terrible company. They are so obvious and brazen in their use of false profiles to support their agenda and wildly exaggerated claims.

Personally I would be for drilling if one of the big companies came here with all their money, skill and knowledge to back them.

However this is a disaster, a sham and an embarrassment. Allowing a penny stock Ponzi scheme to blatantly hoodwink us...... look up the ship they use, look at the stock market history, look at those involved!

Absolutely shameful.

TimesUp says...

The thought that this will still go ahead as intended is unbelievable.

The cruise lines seem to be in major trouble with some likening their present operations to a quickly deteriorating Ponzi scheme. They are selling cruises with little chance of providing the service, they then use that cash to pay out previously canceled cruises.

The government must be aware of the cruise lines stock price and many reports on the financial health of these companies.

I am sure the project has not been canceled but i imagine it has become a "maybe" or a 10 year plan as opposed to a 5 year plan.

I think the government also know full well but would rather just kick this can down the road for the foreseeable future.

On Grand Lucayan sale needs 'double deal'

Posted 27 October 2020, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

I have heard what they want to do but no substance on how they will do it. My question is what happens to a tourist if they test positive.

A family of 4 on a 5 day vacation perform the required test after 4 days and the mothers test is positive.

Is the whole family quarantined? Or is the mother removed from her family?

Where are they quarantined? In a government facility? Or do the security of Atlantis lock them in their room and post guard in the hallway?

Who pays for their quarantine? The family, the hotel or the government?

What legal consequence's are there for detaining foreign nationals against their will?

TimesUp says...

Do people really think businesses prefer to pay 10k work permit fees, upscale housing, insurance of choice, pension of choice, private school fees for their children, phone bill, utilities, yearly travel, moving fees, company car etc etc and pay a competative salary greater than the person would earn in their native country?

On Another work permit warning

Posted 25 September 2020, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TimesUp says...

Unfortunately it seems he has given in and given up.
Opening virtually everything when the data clearly shows a need for the opposite will of course have a terrible result.