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Topdude says...

The FNMs will rue this day. They have just handed the PLP another term in office.

On FNM convention before results

Posted 1 June 2024, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

These are all bold faced lies. Dr. Lewis is a turncoat. Mr. Pintard is uneducated for the job. Those who are opposing Dr Minnis are those who know they will not be selected for a cabinet position. Mr. Pintard has promised each one of these turncoats and every Tom, Dick, Tina and Harriet every position from a limited portfolio of positions in order to gain their fragile and fleeting support. Mr. Pintard is an unprincipled, irresponsible and disrespectful person. I for one know that Dr. Minnis is the man for the job. It is better to Vote for the person you know than the devil you don’t.

Topdude says...

If hearsay is the basis of these sweeping conclusions about party morale and support for his leadership, then we can see what type of leader Pintard will become. He seems to downplay the importance of having objective data from opinion and leadership satisfaction polls before rushing to assert that he is the preferred candidate. And this is a pity. Our leader, Dr. Minnis , has demonstrated his caliber. He is a known quantity and the people’s choice. If the FNM is to retake the running of this country we cannot take chances with a blowhard like Pintard.

Topdude says...

This is total foolishness, ignorance and self serving rationalizations. Please include your references for this nonsense. No peer reviewed academic journal would accept this hogwash which pretends to be scholarly. Come on Carlton61 give it up.

Topdude says...

This is the profile of the marijuana entrepreneur who will be licensed under the recently passed legislation. No quantity limitations. An entrepreneur will define the quantity and quality of this dangerous drug. He/Shehas to have a ready quantity to meet demand. And he/she has to be armed to protect his inventory from robbery. Or will armed guards be a spin off job from this new legislation?

Topdude says...

Clearly there is a lot of confusion about this dangerous drug called marijuana. We can find justification for its continued use and abuse from a million angles but that does not erase the scientific evidence which shows that marijuana is a gateway drug which leads to the use and abuse of even more dangerous and addictive drugs like cocaine, heroin and fentanyl. Pretty soon our beautiful country will no longer be known for its beautiful beaches as it will become known for the free access to drugs. Let’s get serious. We are tampering with the psychological and mental destruction of our youth.

Topdude says...

This is complete hogwash. You are saying that because lot of individuals break the law the law should be changed to justify the use of this dangerous gateway drug and dangerous poison. Empirical research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association consistently documents the harm marijuana causes to the human brain. Let’s get real and honest.

Topdude says...

This whole attempt at legalizing marijuana is premature and not thought through. This PLP government’s attempt to satisfy all sides on this issue is backfiring everyday. Let’s be honest about this drug. The medical evidence of its value is negative. The evidence is that it is a gateway drug to other illegal drugs. Why can’t this government show its testicular fortitude and leave things as they are . We are sending a wrong message to our children and grand children. Stop it.

Topdude says...

As more places legalize marijuana, policymakers and health officials have worried about the health risks that the drug may pose to adolescents. But a new study suggests that an additional demographic is at risk: seniors.
The study, published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine (…), found that after Canada legalized marijuana, the number of emergency room visits for cannabis poisoning rose sharply among people ages 65 and older. Poisonings doubled after Canada legalized sale of the cannabis flower, and the
n tripled just 15 months later, when Canada legalized the sale of edibles.

Topdude says...

Absolutely short sightedness on the part of the Government, the next thing the Rastafarians and the Advocacy Group Marijuana Bahamas will argue for is a marijuana user fee subsidy for the unemployed, underprivileged and incarcerated. When will this madness end? I can envision after this non carefully thought through marijuana legalization folly starts to impact on the normalcy in citizen behavior the next Government will have to do a lot of backtracking and return to putting back in place those laws as they were before this drug was legalized. The USA will rue the day they introduced the de criminalization of this drug.