Comment history

TorontoGal says...

Whatever happened with, never eat conch during a month with no "r" in it? That would imply not to eat it in the hottest months...May, June, July and August.

On Vendors’ fears on conch poison alert

Posted 7 July 2018, 1:45 a.m. Suggest removal

TorontoGal says...

SP, a prediction is only a guess, an assumption, an estimation, it's not a fact. These storms can change on a dime. SO, instead of criticizing, take heed and prepare.

TorontoGal says...

It's no wonder the Bahamas is where it is today with such old fashion, backward thinking. Get into the 21Century folks!

TorontoGal says...

Cats are very good at finding their way back home provided they arent locked in somewhere. They do like to investigate and inspect other vehicles. Mine would spend their afternoon sleeping on the rear seat floor of any car that had its windows open, allowing them many adventures until the neighbours all learned to check before they drove off.

Hope Ziggy will be home safe and sound soon.

TorontoGal says...

People have to stop having unprotected sex. Just look at the number of babies being born to young women who are not in permanent or secure relationships. None of the men in these cases have used condoms...the easiest way to prevent infection is to wear one.

TorontoGal says...

Sickened, that is such a stupid remark to make and has absolutely no bearing on the issue.

On Beware of gunmen in women’s clothing

Posted 15 May 2018, 11:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TorontoGal says...

I think this could be a boost for the Bahamas. It may give young people the opportunity to be properly educated and hired on with this new company...give young people something to strive for instead of having unwanted babies and shooting each other.

TorontoGal says...

Chucky, I must commend you as only you have made some good suggestions instead of only griping as all of the others have. We need more people to make suggestions, solutions and recommendations to these problems then force the government to start implementing them or start taking public action. Once a government realizes the people demand change they usually begin to listen.

Anyone can criticize but wise people make constructive comments and solutions. The Bahamas are a mess right now and need people to take charge and fix the multitude of problems before paradise is lost to crime, drugs and illiterate people.

On Blackout - explosion hits island's power

Posted 21 April 2018, 12:45 a.m. Suggest removal

TorontoGal says...

The last time I was in the straw market was this last time last year. Nothing that I saw was made in Nassau. I found the same junk in Cuba and in Dominican Republic.

The market is smelly, dingy, filthy dirty and very unpleasant to visit. Why it has been left to look like it does is a reflection of what the whole of New Providence now looks like. No one had an respect for the place and doesn't appear anyone will take responsibility to clean the place up.


Posted 13 April 2018, 1:13 a.m. Suggest removal

TorontoGal says...

Banning Pit Bull dogs or any breed ban is NOT the answer. The owner of these dogs are the problem not the dog. Any dog that is abused or trained to be vicious will be vicious. Pit Bull type dogs are not vicious - they do have a powerful jaw, unlike other dogs - but they are a gentle dog.

This idea of breed ban isn't any different that the thought of banning Rottweiler and Doberman Pinchers years ago. Even a Chihuahua can be vicious if trained that way. It's the morons who get these dogs and use them to intimidate and abuse. They are the problem, not the dog. Put the morons into a pen and let the dogs rip them to shreds "just for the fun of it"!

People need to be educated on how to treat animals. Animal fighting needs to be banned.

On Pit Bull suspects released

Posted 6 April 2018, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal