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TroyWJohnson says...

I could accept this if BEFORE the storm if they were trying to help or give advice not after the
fact stating the obvious then spreading false information. Get a life

On Former PMs disappoint

Posted 21 September 2019, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

TroyWJohnson says...

See that’s the problem my good son, cousin, nephew, uncle or friend - one time I could show leniency or have mercy, Cause any one can make a mistake. But he out on bail for an illegal weapon and within that same year while on bail he is caught again for the same offense. And I must think he good ? Good at breaking the laws. Good at NOT learning from his mistakes.

On Six years in jail for gun possession

Posted 21 September 2019, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

TroyWJohnson says...

This idea does not make sense on a few counts
1. The islands in the southeast are more prone to the effects of hurricanes
2. What effect will this shift have on tourism with the new capital being so far away from our number 1 source of tourist - the USA
3. What effect will this shift have on food supplies, construction and building material and anything that has to be shipped.
4. The speaker is from Inagua right? Hmmmm boy I believe he sure would benefit from a move like that. Could be wrong.
5. If he was serious about a shift in population why not look at Andros. Size and proximity alone are ideal