Comment history

TruBeehamian says...

"Dr Sands got approval from Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar for a N-578GC aircraft to deliver the supplies to the country.

#He then got approval from Immigration Director Clarence Russell for the passengers.

#Mr D’Aguilar told Dr Sands officials had been insisting that people coming to the country provide a negative COVID-19 test to gain entry. The Freetown MP deferred to the health minister to make the call and Dr Sands allowed the passengers entry without testing them. During his national address on Sunday, Dr Minnis suggested this was at least part of the breach––the residents were allowed entry without being tested."

^^^^ the article states he got approval from the appropriate Ministers... so help me understand the issue

TruBeehamian says...

This article is spot-on. Opening one day a week will cause people to 'jam-up' to get the parts they need.

On Auto dealer: 'We cannot go another month'

Posted 30 April 2020, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TruBeehamian says...

Having the stores open on different days makes no sense ! If I need this, I have to go out on Monday , need something else - have to go on Wednesday. This is forcing people on the road multiple days when they could just go do everything one time and then lock up home.