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TrueBah1234 says...

As a nurse working at PMH it is fully known that PMH runs out of medication and supplies on a daily basis. Their is staff shortages all around because the ministry along with the nursing school try to delay the graduation of the many competent nursing students that I have worked with on the wards. Secondly, the mass hiring of foreign nurses via internet interview is out of control, and the thing is these nurses do not have to sit our council examination when we are put through hell educationally and on the job. And to confirm for every citizen admitted to a ward, 2-3 haitians are admitted and if you go to the maternity wards it is over crowded with haitians. The system is overburdened and moral is low even for the Bahamian nurses. And I have been told by many nursing students who are bonded to the government financially that they have not been paid in 4 months and have not been given any reason. So can you imagine dealing with all the structural, staffing, overcrowding and supply problems all at once and the up and coming nurses having to deal with the same issues in addition to not being paid while this government travels pays foreign consultants and invest in other countries. The PLP have to go.

TrueBah1234 says...

I think the team did good. It always puzzles me as to how much better the Jamaicans perform than our own when we have more resources. The government needs to invest more in its people because at one time they believed in Bahamians now they seem to only believe in the Bahamas.....meaning its physical land.


Posted 3 August 2014, 9:07 a.m. Suggest removal