Comment history

TruePeople says...

bey the gov't is in the dark, how can they enlighten anything for us?!?!?!?!?!

TruePeople says...

you do not trust FNM and are uncertain of the DNA.... ok, fine... But how does that justify voting back in the PLP?!?!?!

that's like saying: "i can't manage heat. This pot of water is hot so i don't trust it.... and that cup of tea has some little steam so i'm uncertain of it..... so ya know know what i just gonna jump in the fire..... the only same option"


TruePeople says...

be more prompt at admitting your conflict of interest

TruePeople says...

Ya know what, the way things are and are going, fire the whole gov't and don't bother replace them. This country would probably be in a better place if it was left to itself. Instead ( @asiseeit ) the country is being run (under the dirt) by criminals.

TruePeople says...

The whole world weather get strange this past few months

TruePeople says...

just because the FNM is not PLP doesn't make them credible by default. I would venture than actually none of the present elected officials are credible.

On Minnis pledges govt of fiscal responsibility

Posted 14 January 2016, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

Marcus do he homework aye!!!!

but bey, when i look round today, i ein even could tell too too tuffly the difference between FNM and PLP..... they're both a farcical poppyshow of clowns criminals and critters

On Minnis pledges govt of fiscal responsibility

Posted 14 January 2016, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

They think we stupid sickened..........

On Minnis pledges govt of fiscal responsibility

Posted 14 January 2016, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

? really ? that's stupid. Either you have and use the death penalty, or you remove it from law. Why all the pussyfooting? With many countries out-lawing the death penalty why is it so hard for the law "makers" here to update our countries judicial system in a similar way....? I'm sure the UN would support it......

OR, actually use the death penalty, as many Bahamians believe that this is an appropriate punishment for the heinous crimes committed here, and also a deterrent to young people considering crime.

No instead, these guys just sit back and keep blowing hot air all over the place with their non-sense talk, death penalty is still law, and no one is being hung.... incompetent

any why bring up Paris? because of the Privy councils 'worst of the worst' criteria?! what the hell is that? Further, why we still locked down by the privy council? guess we're not really independent...

What about the Fox hill Massacre? would that not qualify???? does you have to drop 12 people one time to get the death penalty?! if you drop 11 you don't qualify for it?!?!?! Stupidness.... no wonder the police take care of Eggy in jail... the justice system dem some real wastemans

On Death penalty only for a massacre

Posted 14 January 2016, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

That was just bait and switch marketing for their Campaign

On Wilchcombe: We need to stop gun smugglers

Posted 13 January 2016, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal