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Truth says...

Tal Russell said: "never in the history of our Bahamland have we ever held another accountable for the actions or misdeeds of others, children or not." That is the whole point of Mr. McCartney's statement. It's time to start holding people accountable. To bee_deanne, nowhere did Mr. McCartney advocate for sending anyone to prison, but if you start charging parents before the courts - because they are responsible for their under aged children - that means knowing where they are at ALL times. What Mr. McCartney points out is the law...this is not something new that he is making up. If we start enforcing this law and the state hold parents responsible for their children's actions, then Tal Russel and all others, maybe we will begin to see some responsible parents. And if they are not prepared to take care of the children, stop having them all over the place. I read the Child Protection Act that Mr. McCartney referred to and this is what section 34 says, "Every widow and unmarried woman is hereby required to maintain her own children, and every woman having children to whom any man is primarily bound under section 33 to maintain, is hereby required to maintain those children in the event of his failing to perform his

If parents are doing their jobs in raising their children and they cannot control one or two of the knuckleheads, then they should turn them over to the state, particularly if they are heading on the path to prison anyhow. So Mr. McCartney is right, one step in this fight against crime is to start holding parents more accountable for the actions of their underage children. Use a couple delinquent parents as examples, and the word will start getting out to the other delinquent parents, and you will see how quick they get their delinquent children under control. Way to be forward thinking Mr. McCartney.

On 'Charge parents for child's crimes'

Posted 20 June 2012, 10:55 p.m. Suggest removal