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TruthHurts says...

The Christy group must be footing the bill?? This can not be on the backs of the Bahamian people?? What sense does this make?

I am sadden that this happen to them, but where do we go from here? What is really going on with this situation? I'm stumped!

TruthHurts says...

"Mr McCartney exaplained that while he did not personally support the legalisation of gay marriage in America or elsewhere, his party had not yet decided on it's formal position."

I fail to comprehend why he feels his support was necessary of a country he is not from?? Furthermore, he has gone on record, and made his feelings clear and went on to state what he felt, The Bahamas needs to do as a preventative measure. He's clearly backtracking! This man is definitely not ready for a PM position.

TruthHurts says...

That's why the US like many other countries to-date are drowning in their cesspool of stupidity. They think they are so smart with their so-called-activism on every single thing under God's blissful heavens. But they never seem to think about the consequences down the road. Where these decisions will lead them. Soon they will all come to see the folly of their ways. We all will!

TruthHurts says...


Well put..we all thank you for that! lol ; )

TruthHurts says...

Most of my relatives from the US despise same-sex marriage however I'm pretty sure they were not aware of this pole you've shown here. So.. those who have the time and energy to take the poll will, however it still doesn't prove or deny either points!

TruthHurts says...

Hilarious.. The joke is on all of us! That's budgeted for campaign 2017. They're gonna use 'all a we' money to bribe us to re-elect them. The devil is a liar! Go thee to the depths of hell where you belong!

TruthHurts says...

Rollins for PM then?? lol I really can't see us doing any worse.

Especially when I look at the line up..


You see where I'm going with this?

TruthHurts says...


TruthHurts says...

Is Sandy sure he's the one running this Circus??

TruthHurts says...

Make that two! I want my room right next to yours cause I know we will have 'nuff' jokes. ; )