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TruthSayer says...

Where would you put them? To house an animal in a shelter costs roughly $70 per day per animal. But spaying or neutering 1 breeding pair of dogs will prevent roughly 5000-6000 dogs being born in the next 7 years.

The point is to find a human way to reduce the population and the only think that has ever worked is spay/neuter. People have tried other methods, poison, gassing, etc. and those methods have never worked.

If you take some time to educate yourself on this issue you will find it very helpful and maybe you can become part of the solution as well and spread the word in your neighborhood about spay/neuter.

On Operation Potcake programme back on

Posted 8 December 2013, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...

Nope, it's $20 in the Bahamas.........Supplies were ordered from the Bahamas.

On Operation Potcake programme back on

Posted 7 December 2013, 9:15 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...

Rory, How did you find out I was a rat? I admit that I have been genetically enhanced by the toxic chemicals in my cesspool that caused my neurons for grow uncontrolled and now I can type with my tiny little rat paws and can do it all while chugging beer with newly prehensile tail. Did you know I can fly too? Yup, me and the pigs, we fly all the time. It's awesome!

On Operation Potcake programme back on

Posted 6 December 2013, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...


The cost is NOT $50 per animal for supplies, it is $17 to $20 per animal.

The local vets said they couldn't do 5 days and they would end up doing only about 150 surgeries (max).

So it comes down to numbers doesn't it?

Physicians and Veterinarians are people, they do not "deserve" any more respect than any other living being deserves. Why would you think they deserve more respect? Because they have a lot of initials behind their name? Because they went to school for 8 years? If that is the case them Mother Teresa doesn't deserve respect, neither does Ghandi or Einstein for that matter, or the lady that works in the store down the street or the preacher in the church, because they don't have initials behind their names and didn't got to school for 8 years.

Respect is earned by being good, doing good and fostering good in the future.

And yes, those of us "lay people" have spend years and years, educating ourselves on animal welfare and we are more than qualified to make decisions on animal welfare. Maybe not medical decisions, but animal welfare decisions for sure. We may not have as many initials behind our names, but do not ever underestimate our abilities in realm of animal welfare, because on that count, you are sadly mistaken. It is the people like us, the lay people, the lady down the street, the "ordinary" that have indeed changed the world and will continue to do so. We this all without even asking once to "revered", we just ask that you work beside us to make things better.

On Operation Potcake programme back on

Posted 6 December 2013, 9:18 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” .......... Ghandi

No truer words ever spoken............Thank you to all the Animal Welfare groups in the Bahamas and the MVAB for coming together and doing what is right for the animals. You should be proud.

On Operation Potcake programme back on

Posted 5 December 2013, 10 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...

Exactly! But do you think their egos will allow them to back down and do the right thing? They all sat back and looked at all the money the volunteers spent to come help and thought "We need to get some of that, we'll just not let them come and then they will send the money to us!"...........To bad that is not the way it works. We will give until we have nothing left.......UNTIL you try to scam us and not do what's right for the animals, then we will open up a can of whoop as#* on you like you have never seen. ..........but I guess they are realizing that now. What part of no one is backing you, do they not understand?

TruthSayer says...

and it's blue! Awesome!!

TruthSayer says...

It is true, foreign Vets and volunteers do benefit from our work in the Bahamas, we benefit from knowing we helped animals in need with no expectation of thanks, money or recognition, we did it because it is and always will be the right thing to do. So yes, we did benefit from our work there, by becoming a better human being. That is worth more than gold.

TruthSayer says...

If you read through the ACTUAL costs of the surgery (and yes, everyone knows it's not free, drugs and supplies cost money) the Vets say it costs them $50 per surgery, but the ACTUAL costs are between $17 and $20 per surgery. OP has full cost breakdown and has posted it.

Even if they did pay the $50 to the Vets, the Vets have admitted they cannot do more than 3 days and only a few can help with the 3 days. They were asked to commit 5 days, but it's to hard on them. The original plan (which the previous VMAB agreed to, was 5 days, joint project and do 1000 surgeries. But the Vets can only do 3 days, don't want any help, do the surgeries at a cost that is more than double the cost that OP does them and only do 150 surgeries TOTAL, because they won't let foreign volunteers come in.

So, they either need to figure out how to do 1000 surgeries at a reasonable cost or let foreign volunteers come in to help.

How is that so hard to understand? The VMAB clearly says they cannot do the work required. Yes, there is Bahamian pride but lets not forget:

Proverbs 16:18 "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

In the end, it's really OK to accept help. There is even more pride in realizing you can't do it alone.

On Overwhelming support for Operation Potcake

Posted 4 December 2013, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

TruthSayer says...

Well said. I am also sure that the members of all the other groups will be willing to work along side the vets if they go back to what was originally agreed upon. No loss, no foul.

On Overwhelming support for Operation Potcake

Posted 4 December 2013, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal