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Twinnegian says...

happythrifter, tell em why you mad! hahaha. you can say what you want, black is black and Bahamians destroying the country and so on and so on... but then why are Haitians STILL coming in droves everyday??? People always claim they only trying to get the US and whatever but dammit we all know alot of them (or y'all as it may seem) trying to get to the Bahamas, but if its so bad here then why come?? Last time i checked the shortest way between two points is a straight line so trying to stop here if your ultimate destination is the US is pretty pointless to me. Sure, our little country has huge problems created by and encouraged by "real Bahamians" that are a never ending battle and won't see resolution for years to come but as far as I'm concerned we don't need mass immigration draining us to compound those problems.

Twinnegian says...

As ILB mentioned, these people seem to forget they are illegal! They cannot and should not expect to be treated the same as legal citizens and nationals of The Bahamas. They come on a sloop and wanna go back on a doggone Dreamliner?! WTF?!
The government need to try hard find some fishermen who going close by Haiti and tell them they better hike a ride as close as possible and then find the best way to land from there. Because sure as twice one as two, when they get this free ride back home....they'll be back in the country eventually because if Haiti wasn't a problem they never would have left in the first place.

Twinnegian says...

This "Pastor" acting like somebody forcing these people to stay. If it’s so bad then pack up yall georgie bundle and head back the same way yall come from. They talking about they would rather go home but can't afford a ticket??!!! Y'all didn't come on a plane to begin with!!! Although i would rather shell out for a one way ticket to send them home rather than spend MORE time and money trying to support them, who is to say the minute we send them back they won't be coming back to Nassau on the next thing smoking. We can't win for losing with these people!! I can have sympathy for people (no matter what nationality) when a fire destroys everything you own but DONT jump up and make public announcements that while the help has been ok, it’s not nearly enough. 50 homes with 200 people means they were already living an average of 10 people to a home so it’s not like they were living in the lap of luxury from the beginning.
The reality is while some were legal; most were probably illegal so we don't really have an obligation to provide for them. Personally, i would rather leave these people be because they’re going to find a way to make it anyway because that’s just what they do and donate my money to the young lady featured in the Lifestyle section who at 24 is basically a living vegetable because of a car accident.
If it was up to me, all 200 of them would be put on a boat with a 5 gallon bottle of water and a couple bags of 3S rolls and they woulda had to hope they make it back home the same way they make it to The Bahamas.

Twinnegian says...

Seriously?! Really?! LOL. I love my country but sometimes if you don't laugh at this place you'll curl up in a corner and cry.


Posted 3 April 2013, 1:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Twinnegian says...

Way to go #TeamBahamas!!
On another note, we really need to demand better journalism from our media. The title reads "Jamaica First, Trinidad Second, Bahamas Third" the article states "Team Bahamas’ final tally of 31 medals included....." and "Trinidad and Tobago were second with 20 medals...."

So pray tell, how the HELL 31 medals take third and 20 medals take second? Or am I reading/seeing/adding wrong?

I hate to act like the grammar police but I'm truly starting to believe these "reporters" just slap their articles together in a few minutes and press publish. Nobody edits or proofreads anything because not a day goes by without a grammatical or mathematical error on here somewhere. For something that can be accessed globally, its utterly ridiculous.

Twinnegian says...

I hope the accused was a lawyer in traiing or former lawyer that he could represent himself and still manage to beat the prosecuters. My lord. Our court system is just a fail all over.

On Twinnegian

Posted 28 February 2013, 7:40 a.m. Suggest removal