Comment history

UN says...

Sign of a corrupt nation: for over a year - one woman sent MANY emails to the PM = we ‘professionals’ couldn’t be bothered to reply. Gaming brothers on speed dial. Sol Kerzner (we worked to help keep him far away from us/in exclusive communities) on speed dial. Dey is man. haitian-Misogyny..

On Carry on, Doc - just for now

Posted 23 September 2021, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

We ‘ladies’ who stay-aBREAST-of-WOMAN need to be a part of everything (SO egotistical) = (SLY) chaos is now imminent..

On Small step forward as five women in Cabinet

Posted 23 September 2021, 8:38 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Friday at 3pm and STILL no transfer of unemployment benefits?? Nearly time to ‘verify’ again but no payment received?? Government pay day = we’re all rejoicing?? selfish.

No food for days = WE intend to starve you?? Kindness from the ‘ambassadors of tourism’?? frauds.

stalking her. harassing her. belittling her. starving her.


On FNM headquarters ransacked overnight

Posted 27 August 2021, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

When I was in grade 7, my 14 year old brother was ambushed the same way: cornered at school, rocks to head = life forever ruined. Police and teachers didn’t care so those thugs never got punished.

In this case: if they’re minors - it will mean making sure their ‘innocent’ widdle faces are covered with a blankie and/or bib (then @ age 22 they’ll get jobs aka twitch it up in McDonalds = everything forgotten)..

On It’s so very hard...they just kill him

Posted 20 May 2021, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

‘Having’ my ‘say’: Dorian made ppl homeless and led to many having to come here to live in a stadium, and Trump KINDLY allowed many to stay in the U.S (where WE overstayed/broke law aka reason for all a dis? = EGO), etc.

Where were they expecting these ppl to go back to? Using a disaster (hurricane season a yearly event) to get them to ‘go back to Haiti’? Why not build temporary housing for these ppl who have a legal right to be here? heartless.

UN says...

In other nations: stalking is a crime, groping is a crime, cyber bullying is a crime, hacking is a crime. ALL illegal, but WE do all those things here (to ONE Haitian gal - her uninvited roommates). But ONLY Haitians will face punishment for THEIR ‘illegal’ deeds (benefit of being on the same evil page - we can make it so laws don’t apply to us). And we also got away with thirty years or so? of gambling illegally even though it was against the law. egotistical. wicked.

‘Have your say’ will now mean ‘ladies’ get to practice equality (free speech for ALL?) by finding ways to punish an anonymous user/person.. *flex biceps*

UN says...

Leaving their ‘beloved’ nation high and dry to follow the money (but others can’t do the same). Unsurprising (recall a nurse having a breakdown in a room filled with people during a hospital visit to see my sick mama, “they don’t pay me enough to deal with all these people!”). Yep: so VERY selfless, patient and patriotic..

UN says...

India KINDLY helped us out, but to get protection from COVID (it doesn’t discriminate - anyone can get it), you need to present Bahamian ID at the vaccination site meaning we’re excluding certain ppl (Haitians?) = covid ain’t going nowhere (duh)!

It explains why this ‘rich’ Haitian gal has been made to live like a pauper. Bigots.

‘Christian nation’??

UN says...

WE gatta hold them accountable (they keep breaking OUR laws)??? WE’re proudly getting away with eight long years+ of slander, inciting men (both your woman & kid put you last), defamation of character, invasion of privacy, fraud?, stalking, etc. Some (or all) are considered crimes in many civilized (we leave OUR females alone) nations.

AND we’ve also taunted/implied that we’ve happily committed various civil rights violations against ONE particular Haitian gal (she’s OUR entertainment, OUR toy)..

UN says...

We point fingers at them BUTT a haitian female is our Money-God?? To us she’s simply a bag of cash or gold bars - an object who is also here to keep us entertained? hypocrites.

They prey on the weak & vulnerable. SHE’S by herself & keep her ‘ignorant’, AND they’re all poorer than us = makes us ALL feel ‘powerful’??

50 yrs from now when the sea level rises/floods us out: will we follow all the ‘rules’ or will we also be eager for a place to stay?? May need to go to earthquake-central Haiti..