Comment history

URD says...

Apologies for what? The PLP headed by PGC are a lost bunch.

URD says...

Say it aint so....

URD says...

But......the PLP are lost like the Malaysian airliner

URD says...

This a very scarey situation that we are in at this point.

URD says...

No names????

URD says...

Is she for real? Lady please wake up and smell the coffee!

On Mother angry after son shot by police

Posted 21 March 2014, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

URD says...

This is so poor. This government want to tax everybody a$$es off, loacls and foreigners alike.

URD says...

Not under the "Saint" Perry's watch! Wow

URD says...

Isnt this man apart of the government? He may not be in cabnet, but I am quite sure he is right there at parliamentary meetings. Is this the way he has to get "the government" attention? My gosh man. despicable!