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USA says...

With all due respect to the police who are not involved in crime yes the crime that is reaking havoc on the streets of this island. All countries have bad seeds and this country had to many bad seeds in the police department. But how can you expect any less, the rate of pay is not what it would be to deter this extra curricular activity, how can you expect anyone to put their life on the line for measly pay, the government should be ashamed of the funds made available to the very source of protection for the people who live here and for those who vacation here. And the police need to stop looking for the quick arrest stop treating the symptom and treat the problem , the problem of reform, there is none, people who commit heinous crime out on bail! You have got to be kidding, prisoners being taken to the middle of town where your " life blood " shops, what is this!!!!! And why hasn't a prison been built on the many out island or cays that can or do have the infrastructure in place , rotate your guards every two weeks , hang those who should be hung, dump the trash, for the sharks to eat. If all these human rights activist want to protest hope they have a boat, and you would see a decline in the drugs being brought to the prisoners because they would need a boat, you might even see a decline in crime. And the slang saying like " stop talking fool " should be spoken in the privacy of your home and not when making a public statement how can you command respect and set an example if you don't use proper English !!!!! 7x21 and a mess like never before , get it together, maybe the Chinese should donate some money for the Bahamas to get the crime under control after all they have a lot at stake here. I am sure it has been discussed after all, they have their own resources for getting things done ! I don't think they would tolerate this in their country and after all this Bahamas is their country too. What may of worked 20 years ago, does not work today. Maybe the only difference from then to now is the Internet and the advantage those who cannot travel have by using this tool. They can go anywhere and never leave the island. We need to pray for GOD to protect us from the attacks of SATAN and from those who look to harm us.

USA says...

It does not matter how many hotels you build, people will not come here if the crime is not brought under control ask anyone about the law in the Bahamas it is known as a lawless country one where the police are involved in crime, one where people who commit heinous crimes are out in bail because the judicial system does not exist least of all work. Respect does not exist, I am in dis belief when I heard the way police officers speak and are spoken to.maybe at one time this was a Christian nation it no longer is viewed this way. After all the police made a statement about the latest murder of the American tourist about being professionals, but speak in a derelict tongue what is " we no fool" if you want to be viewed and respected speak proper English and save the slang speaking for the privacy of your own home.!!!!!