Comment history

User1234 says...

That is always the intention, I don't think anyone specifically targets civilians if they can help it, other than terrorists right? But this becomes hard to do if you can't tell a civilian from a terrorist. Im not saying I have the answer but this is where we are. Hamas knew this would happen

User1234 says...

So, in your view, what would have been proportionate?

User1234 says...

Did you read the article? His point is valid...Its a brain drain lose two educated Bahamians because they don't want to marry their partners. The law is the law and if that's what the people want then so be it. The brain drain is the unintended consequence, you have a choice!

User1234 says...

you only need price controls if you don't have a competitive market that manages itself, or monopolies that fleece their customers...;)

User1234 says...

Yep...Local supermarket owner becomes Virologist...the world has moved on mate...should have been dropped 6 months ago, if you don't feel safe then wear one but don't expect others should be a personal choice.

User1234 says...

Lol being a Republic won't change the fact it took 6 months for the Road traffic department to respond to an email

User1234 says...

the monarchy is revenue generative - 1.8bn uplift to the economy...more than they like them or not, they are good for the economy

User1234 says...

Its a tradition and part of history, it is also revenue generative from a tourism perspective. no real negatives

User1234 says...

dude....the rest of the world has/is moving on....let it go. Your decisions are no longer based on scientific reasoning...just 'What Ifs' the restrictions did not prevent the previous waves so what makes you think it will stop the next one? lunatic

On Darville: No further relaxation of COVID rules

Posted 7 September 2022, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

User1234 says...

that wasn't my point... I agree with your point above...the 'DR' doesn't seem to provide evidence as to the correlation between masks and vaccines