Comment history

VS says...

I'm so sick of "Red Bitchell"!!!!

VS says...

Bunch of jack-rabbits parading in the streets while this country goes to Hell. All in the name of "fun", right? What sweeten your mouth now will sour your tails later! Remember to have FUN when your electric, water, telephone, and Cable bill cannot be paid! Sadly, some persons who have no health or life insurance, massive credit card debts and are in default with bank loans and at risk of losing their homes will be "jumpin' in da line". SAD!

On $7m budget for Carnival

Posted 8 April 2016, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

VS says...

Meanwhile, scores of Bahamians are unemployed and unable to support their families. "Believe in Bahamians", right?! Well there you go! Destra will score $30,000 and Wyclef Jean will receive $70,000...but how much is being paid to local artists??? It's a slap in the face to our own people!

On $7m budget for Carnival

Posted 8 April 2016, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

VS says...

Yes! remember this, on election day!

On $7m budget for Carnival

Posted 8 April 2016, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

VS says...

Mr. Mitchell, please stop detracting from the real issue(s) at hand. We are not at stupid as you and your beloved Prime Minister and his members of Cabinet would have us to be. All of this verbal "fluff, pomp and circumstance" is quite annoying! Save The Bays cannot light a match to the damage this current government has done within the last few years in power!
Your colleague, Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald, is quite the outspoken fellow these days, yet he remained MUM for a very long time concerning the purported gas leak which occurred in HIS constituency of Marathon, affecting those who put him in place. So tell us, who are the REAL persons that are a danger to this country?
You cannot keep the masses uninformed and disengaged for long! This is a new generation of Bahamians that will be voting come next general election!

VS says...

And what about record books? Information that is manually logged? If someone acquires a book that has your private information written by hand, should they use said information to their advantage? The issue is not the Internet. It is the individual(s) using it to their advantage (or disposal) that pose the threat. A computer cannot operate on its own unless it is programmed by a human being to do so.

VS says...

By golly gosh, the cat's out the bag! LOL

VS says...

Where in my retort did I make mention of the Nygard debacle? This matter is beyond Mr. Nygard, the PLP, the FNM, the DNA, et al. Again, the issue is not whether or not accessing information via the Internet or with the use of other technological devices is possible - we're all quite aware of the possibility. The issue here is privacy and the entitlement thereof. Your personal business is YOUR personal business, regardless of what genius is capable of hacking into a server and obtaining your bank statements or any other confidential information. This is not a "free for all" society that we are living in "Comrade" TalRussell, even if it often seems as though it is. Try to put your partisan views aside for a brief moment to assess this matter from ALL aspects of the spectrum! Invasion of privacy on any level affects us all!

On Save the Bays welcomes FBI probe

Posted 22 March 2016, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

VS says...

You're missing the point here. Yes, investors may know that it is possible to have one's private information leaked - virtually anything in life is possible. The issue, however, is whether such breach in confidentiality is both ethical and, of course, LEGAL. It's also far-reaching, in the sense that if this sort of activity is allowed, who's to say that the individuals performing these acts of piracy will not do the same to you or me? How far will persons be allowed to go? Truthfully, NO FORM of breach in privacy by ANYONE should be allowed, regardless of whether or not information has been "leaked" to expose any act of alleged indecency or presumed unscrupulous behavior. There are proper protocols that SHOULD be followed in order to uncover or shed light on various issues. The bottom line is that we should all have our private information protected. Today, it may be this...tomorrow it'll be your banking information, your medical records, your emails or messages between you and a loved one!

On Save the Bays welcomes FBI probe

Posted 22 March 2016, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

VS says...

Perhaps if you were born in a communist nation, your perception would be a little different. Persons (Bahamians) who have never lived abroad outside of Western civilization have no clue as to what hardship is really like. If you were born in the Bahamas, be thankful that you have been afforded the freedom to be "proudloudandfnm".