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VS says...


Perhaps you have misinterpreted my statements. I am not suggesting that we ignore the subject matter at hand, altogether. Rather, I am suggesting that we focus on what is (or what should be), primarily, of greatest concern to the Bahamian people. That, my friend, is NOT the legalizing of gambling in this country. As with many other facets of life, there are some things that must take precedence over others. For instance, purchasing food to eat, having a roof over one's head, and having clothing on one's body is more important than purchasing a luxury vehicle, indulging in a shopping spree, or taking an expensive vacation abroad. If the problem is not that Bahamians are 'asleep', then it must be that we either do not know our priorities, or simply refuse to adhere to them! The referendum on gambling can wait. The issue(s) of crime affecting Bahamians, of illegal immigrants invading our country by the scores, and of unemployment among our young people cannot....UNLESS it can be proven that said referedum will positively impact any of the aforementioned.

VS says...

Wake up, Bahamian people! There are far greater issues this country should concern itself with than a referendum on gambling. The murder rate continues to increase, hundreds of Bahamian people are still unemployed, there is a massive national debt greater than this country has ever experienced, the education sector has reported below average results yet again with regard to overall student performance on external examinations such as BJCs and BGCSEs (as compared to regional and international counterparts), and illegal immigrants are swarming our seas! Yet, we are sitting on our rumps, grumbling about why gambling should or should not be legalized! We need to get our priorities in order, immediately. Gambling is NOT a priority when our communities are in need! WAKE UP!

VS says...

It is silly and foolish to suggest that a victim of any impropriety, be it verbal, physical, or even emotional, is responsible for the actions perpetrated against him or her. Bahamian men, it seems, are extremely "touchy" when it comes to women, period. The ones with a "lil bit of power" behave as though they are untouchable. Female healthcare workers are all too familiar with this type of improfessional behavior, but many are either too afraid to speak up in fear of retribution, OR, "mix up" in a secret rendezvous of their own!

On 'Doctor fondled my breasts', court hears

Posted 22 July 2012, 12:31 a.m. Suggest removal

VS says...


What you are failing to acknowledge is the fact that "overt victimization" is wrong, no matter who is doing it! This applies to both the FNM AND the PLP (and anyone else for that matter). At the end of the day, the Bahamian people are the ones who will suffer. These politicians 'crease up' in the House of Assembly, with their hundred-thousand-dollar-a-year cheques tucked away in their coats and pockets, laughing at ALL of us!

On FNM hits out

Posted 16 July 2012, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

VS says...

Out of curiousity, are you familiar with the deceased in this case? Do you know him personally? You are entitled to your opinion(s), but you seem fixated on defending Mr. Williams' actions, tooth-and-nail. "She should have just left" is the argument you present here, but what should also be said is, "He shouldn't have abused his wife". It's no different from blaming a rape victim by saying, "She shouldn't have worn that dress/skirt", or saying, "That's what she gets for dressing the way she does". And if we're going to touch on the Christ-like (i.e. Christian) thing to do, we must acknowledge that Christ was an advocate of peace. If we must go Biblical, let's take a look at the Scripture that states a man should love his wife as Christ loved the Church. No one truly knows what led up to the moments of this man being stabbed about the body. The eye-witnesses, likewise, can only recall what they'd seen, but none will have a single clue as to what primary cause of action was led to that moment. This is critical to any murder investigation...but I digress! Pray God you never end up like those women on the 'tell-lie-vision'. Old people used to say, "Ya don't pass nuttin' 'til ya dead!"

VS says...

Make no mistake, no one is glorifying murder here. But let's just put it like this: If you had 10 seconds to decide your fate, would you be a victim? Or, in an effort to defend your life, would you choose to be a "murderer"? It is overly apparent that, based solely on your previous statement(s), you have not - and hopefully never will - encountered abuse. You don't know the psyche or mindset of a woman who is involved in a volatile relationship such as this one, simply because you are not 'that' woman. Or a psychiatrist, whichever best applies. As the saying goes, "Who feels it, knows it." You speak from the perspective of someone who is on the outside looking inward. Again, this situation is most unfortunate and, without running the risk of blaming the 'victim' (deceased), I'll just say that none of this would've probably ever happened had there been no abuse taking place, whatsoever.

VS says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On Jury unanimously found Jessie Williams not guilty

Posted 14 July 2012, 1:48 a.m.

VS says...

Does the 'end' then justify the 'means'? Freedom of choice does not necessarily mean that something is RIGHT. You are "free" to do drugs, but does it mean that you should? The video posted may not be as 'graphic' as its title suggests, however, it is most certainly insensitive, as others have stated. How is it that a **professional** journalist (or media company) finds it fit and deems it acceptable to release raw footage of the body of a young man who was killed just moments beforehand, all while police have yet to officially reveal the young man's identity? There are consequences to every course of action taken. Imagine being thousands of miles away, hearing about said demise, then watching it on Youtube as though you were there in person? Maybe if it were your friend, loved-one, or, God forbid, your WIFE, who lay dead in cold blood after being gunned down while a camera films on, your opinion(s) would change! It would then be you crying foul, ready to protest in Rawson Square!!!